'. S:u~je8s for holy tbougbts~ I ji, · me whether foever I go, oh that I could fet the · Lord in my fight in all places, companies, . :occafions. · · · · , · · 6·. When your Families are together,~ think how fadlyand fuddenlymight a breac!1 have been made ! Oh that God fhould make this Image of death, a meanes of life! we are alive., that's rich mercy, we are in health' that's more, we are called together~ fo wil 6od gather his Saint's together,, howmanyi ' ·• of this Family ·fhal be of that number! · Lord; that noneUIJdcr my cbarge may be an 1fm~J.el, an Ej~·, Oh tha~ wemayall meet in Heaven. . 7. W.hen you ~re to read ~he word, or go to prayer ib your Families, think, oh what I mercy is it, ·that I mayr~ad chi$ bldledbook! Lord open mine eyes, that I,tnay underftand the wonders of the Word : what an infinite) glorious, graciousGod is t~}is, to whom I am topray, oh for a fuitable frame of heart ! ob the mercyof a throneof grace, of a' bleffed Advocate ! who knows -but f6me·.foul ma~ be touche now, if ·I prayaright ? , 8. Wben -you go ont of your houfes to - work or travel, think, the Wotld is f1y1ll of fnares and temptations, and my heart as full of fin and treachery, little, ah lit~le do I know what corruptions 'may break out, ot :1illi8:ionsbreak in upon mebefore iny return, , I the Ieafi occafion of fin wil overturn me; the leaft acc.ident wil overthrow me, the J:;;ord blefs and prc{crve my going out, and Jll1: I •