Heywood - Houston-Packer Collection BV4510.A2 H49 1667

- ' 'JnAppendi;rC01lce~n ni my coming in from this time forth and tor ever moreo .9• \Vhen you are travelling-' by the way,– thtn~, my life i~ a jou'rney, ·.I am· in\confiant mouon towards eternity; every a6l:ion is a fiep, Hea\'en is my home, I canbor get thi– ther without diligent eravel; Lord let me n;Jt mifs my way, or mifcarry in tHe end,- take' . me by cbe hand, fupport me by thy [pirit~; ·· · keep me from hinting, giv·e me fame good bairs , and bring nte to tbe end of my faith at Iaft , even the Salvatian .of my Soul. IO. VVhen·you fee vatiOl:.lS oojetl:s b'efore· your eyes, deduCl: fome ho1y nla:tter there-· fror_n, a~ rhu~, \Vha:c a vaff \Vorld is this? and yec what is this to the Heaveps? anct what are both Earth and Heavens to the im• \ menfe and infiliice·God1 what multitudes of l)'eop1e are there in· this Ci~y ? but .ohwhat · alfem-blie wil mee't at the great day?' oh my foul, art not tbo\i roo like yonder hard'R'Dck, , or fru1de[s Tree, or barren iMountain? loolC about thee i n1ake (omething of thefe oh· jeCls. _ · · , .. . r 1. When you are difcourlingwicb others think, of eve~y i'dle word I' muff give ii1 ac..;· cp-unr,and in multitude of W6rds there want-' cth not fin ; Oh my foul, think tWice before. thou (peak oncei wit this be .. ro tbe glory of G,)d" and others edification r let no cornipc· communication proceed frotn ~hee swhat if. ]dus Chrift flood by in ~isl?tl~'ane nacute~ · _ fpea:It \ (