, Su£je8sfot bol:J tb~ugbii: ; i"i9. fpeak 'here as thou mu~ {pealc .in HeaYC11~ J ot woLtld'ft be found {peakingat death. · l2• When you are alone,. ~h .. ~.ink, lam now in the prefence of the omt~i~ prefent <b.od, thefe are precious hours that go over. my ·. head, why iliould,I fquander awaymy time. :lnd thoughts about trifles? oh my foul, tbou haft anoblefacultyof reflection, finde work· at home, bufie eh)' felf about thy foul, thou– may'ft hndewovk enough, <>h that I -might . be i1ever le{s alone than when alone : when ., thou haft noCreature ro convede with; my . foul, converfe \~'ith God~. I · ' , . •3· VVhenyoueat, thin~; .oh hbw effi..; . ' CtOUS are the Creatures to us ~1Vtng, andhow ' fervice.able, being dead-? they accompli& the end of' their Creation and appointment; ob, my fopl, fit ~hou as Queen-regent over thy,· · ' ,(enfual appetite, take beed <:Jf exce(s, put a , Knife_ to the throat of intemperate defire$,. . be not bruitifu in a finful abufe, beSaint·like in,a fanetified ufe of the Creature, lookup· to mod for a, ble!fing;: elte the!~ dead thiags cannot P!eferve hfe. · .14. VVhen you rifeup,wel fe<;l, think, if theCreatures be to nouri!hing and, refrdhing, what is the Creator ! oh the {weernefs of the bleifed Feafi of fat things in the Gofpel f oh· , the delic.tcy of the· ·VVine in my Fathers· KingdQtP-e ? why thould 1 abufe the gifts ;. forget,the donor, cat atJd drink, and rife u{J: ~o play ? many better than I want thefe re~ {reChment~ :· Oh for a than'kful,beart ! what· a b'Qltn~i.ful ~after do I leEve{ wha~ a- groat · · , . · boufe• ' ~ l' I