Heywood - Houston-Packer Collection BV4510.A2 H49 1667

Hea'rt--1reafo.r:e ~~ · CHAP. Ill. I : · ,Apartict~lar ac~ottnt fJf the Xret~~[ure mtan~ 1n tht \ Te7t, ~tnd. of~ Chrijli11ns Treafurt. · THe.f~-ccind G€nera.l head is • what is the Treafure that o~r Saviour fpea~s ofhere? I -conceiye -it. is principally intended -of the . . ~· "thoughts of the heart, which are ·called the . ~~;'0 Poifeffions. 6! the Heart;Joh, ! 7• It. becanfe ~ Ht~redita- thefe are the firfi.bpL·nof rh~ Soul, andenjoy ria.r po- . the inherjc~noe of it. You <cannot turnoff .feflior:es . the thougbrs from tbeir·tree-hoJd; you tllay ~ordu ;zet; fu(~~~d~~.P,Qt~pggeJ~orrtfp~~~ing; . the hand ju~1.trt- ftom.~~trfg,. ~uc yo~CCJinnot fufpend che foul ditario frotn tbiJ;JJdng,_while ifis ~ : .rational Soul; for . . toQ!~i!• ~. ;. ~his js \d~O'enti~l prop,~rryofft., .whiles.ic is ...'. ·. -; ., l!tSifeli-: Goodor bad thoughts ate everymans .'!.-~~ ~ .... • treafure,and poileffion; iand cheie centre arid (cttle ~fi: (he heart~ thefe are the Spring ~nd . Souro~~: J\lliops andexpreffions. Now"tis faicl .of~Gqdly.ma~J, PrD'!'· 1 ~. 5. The thoughtI ~tl '7j fl.{th' .Righteo~tt-ar~ rlght! t., e,.·J udgment, L~w, ., tex s"f:z- Me.afuJie, as the word 1mpqn~; _the meam.i:tg tuti,Men:. iE,a. graoi~Qsper(on . thinksas he is';" according Jura, five t-o tbe rules~ 9f..rc6tified, faufrified Reafon ; epi~ se.- bis thought·s·run in.a _r:igbc cbannel 1 to rigb~ ~:;m~= & ~bj~~S;f?r: ri~htends, a~d ate theref~re ·very ratioJJem, flT.e<nou~; and maywell be ca-lleda Treafure; vel in ju·- ~ H-ence J}~&vidls E~clama,tion' Pfal. I 39· l1· dicio~. How preciom al{o 11re thJ thoughts unto nJ.e,OGod f · ~agnm·. i. e• .. fay {ome, bow rare and dear are the " thonghcs l hav.e o£ thee t61ny (oul? Thismay , ~ ' · ' be I