Heywood - Houston-Packer Collection BV4510.A2 H49 1667

' ' · 3~r . · .. An Appendi~ ·con~~rni~g.. . houfe-keeper i~ r·he Lord t that provide~ ~ for (o great a Family-in Htia.Ven and Earth ! . ' 1)· VVhen yot1 go·to pub!ick Ordinan– ces, think, oh how glad am ·1when peopl~ fay, Come let us go up to the HfiufefJf the Lord! what a mercy is the Sabbath, this {weet day · 0f refi? what a bleiled thing eo have the be• ne.fit of the(e publickplaces, _and folemn Af.– femblies! 'cis a ,comely fight to fee peopl~ . -.flock to Ordin.ances, as Doves to the Win..: dowes ~ Lord; that fotneSoul may b~ catcht 1 I this day in the Net of the{iofpd: oh for a prepared ·and profiting heart? ·this inay be the laft dayof grace• , . . J 6. VVh~o you are to hear a Sermon,. .. think, thePreacher co1nes as anEmba{l'ador, \ .- .· c.~:.~ ~t:r.. ·,· from God r') me, 'cis God that fpeaks, the great Jehovu~J that can coJDmand audience ' and attendanc.., and with a word can (Qffi– mand us into He!· torments; the truths, oh my foul, thDu arc eo hear; are words of e– tern~l life, and' do nearly concern thy ever-– lafiing peace : prepare thy felf for d~e receit ot them,- flight them nor, for ought thou knowdr, life or death n1ay depeoq up• on this Se-rmon: Heaven and Hell is now be– fore thee. · ·~ 17. VVhen you are to partake of the Lords Supper, think, I am this d~J' cp fup with Chrift, and have l on tny foul a- Wed· 'ding Garment ,? have I an -intereft 1n Chrili: the nnaker and mattef of rhis bleffed-feafl: r '– .where's tpy ftomack ,. eh my Cou1? · do~ t,hou I