Heywood - Houston-Packer Collection BV4510.A2 H49 1667

s;tt~jtBsfor hOly thOught si : : : j1{ thou' rightly difcerq rhe Lords body ? roufe up thy f~ich, al1d' love; tliy _.hoP.e 2nddefire) 1 hi) fleth' i., ,rneac·fndted; bis blood ·iS: 'cfrinK , i.ndee·d, his ~ove is hetrer t'han VVin~; Lo~d' _ til and f:ltten m;y fanlithi.ng tout with fpid~ (uai rep.:lfh., ' . . . : t ' . . . 1 ,.•8• VVhen· yot:t' depart from Puolic~ VY;orfhip ,; ~bink thus;) oh my fo'ul, thy W0rkis nbt don~ when pubhckwork is f#et; . ' )when that is ended, thou • mt:llt ,now Qeginj O I ru'minare upon the VVor8; wliac haff thou. g0t l VVhat Jighc td thy ·ui1de~Uanding ~ VVb~t cbnviet~an ro tliy wiJ·; wh.at direetiop · unro rlly a-ffe ~tions ? Oh tn'yfoullo9k to irj . . rl1on art'. either a fiep neerer ~ ro Heaven' or eo Hcll'.cbis nigh~ f.:>J; thi's .day; gee gdQd , · be good, do good, .or a.u dlefe helps wil render lh-ee inexcurahle~ . . .. ... · · 19. · VVhen y,ou rneer~ith~ or pate frotH· · ., your acqaaihr_an!eJ think, if-it tlefo"!weec a . rhingl. tO meet With my dear' and a.ncicnt·. friend-s, how much better is.. it to frt~et ,wirll (!;od, my bell: beloved, mo!l: loving f~iend, God is a friend thac·s near~r'tban a.hy brother~ ,or nei-ghbour, r meet n_bw with frie~ds; oh: char l knew how c.o improve them, 'to gee' good by .them, or, do good tq the~ , , we tpufi: par't .orrce' fot · all, .oh· th:tt . we . may,· ,. meet .in Heave11 ·it the 1rdluFe6Hon of che ' juft , I . ' . I ' ~ ' .. ' :' •. • : \ 2o. When you·are bufie ii1 your· pai:d~ular callings,.tbink, whofers me a work ? is it not. · I God ? ' whom. do 1"work' for '? is ' it .not .for God t do I feel( my fel f, .or fidve eo grqw~ ·· , · , ' Y r rich? . I • . ·• I ". t • . _/ '