Heywood - Houston-Packer Collection BV4510.A2 H49 1667

Jii. ) Jn 'Appendix conctr~ing / , . , -· ., . "' .. ... .. r ·":L.-.... ,'.• I rich ? then I am carnal : oh my (out, be moderate in the pwrfui t of the WorId, let not -. the cares of the World drown thee ·: drive ~ on eveoly; both thy general and particular calling: let nothing interpo(e betwixt thy God and thee, or hinder thee 'in fpiritual / 1 wodbip, abide with God in thy c~lling. 21. When you refleCt upon the nature of your callingS",. gather {omething inyour Medi– tations there-from; as thus; am I Magifrrate ? ~ I judge not for Man but for <Ziod, 'whowil judge the unrighceous Judge, and now fits · among the Gods : am I a Minifter ? d1e ' charge of fouls is_upon me, tf!lat crie out. we. ·are perifuing; ftudy, travel, pray for us t oh what,account fhall give? if l beaMerchant, Tra(lef-man, Husband-man, W ~aver, Lawyer, Souldier, Schollar, oh ihe (piritual im~ provement 1/fuaymake of 'all thcfe? 22. VVhen you' confider' your r~lacion, think, am I an husband? I muft dwel with my.VVife,as a Manof knowLedge .: am 1 a Wife ? I muft be an belp~ my Husband in . all things :· am 1 a Parent? I muft not pro- .voke, but profit my Childel and t~ain it up for ~od : am l a Childe? I mufr yield all > reverence and_obedience to my Parents, as unto'God, in whofe ftead they are; am I a ) Mafier orSuperiour? my Maft.er it"! Heaven fees how I carry and refpe~s no p~r~ons; ami . a Servant? oh for a£ubm1ffivefp1nt.- · ~:3. When you hear any news, good ot bad,. oh what bkflcd tidings· is the Gofpe~ ~ good news fro~ tieaven, glory to God 1n the " ~. .. . '