' . 'Jii ApfienJiXC1iiC~nti/ii .. ·~?.1 · . the highell, on :garth peace,good:. wiLro~irds , · M~n , ~he beft mt flage that ever Angel. brdught~ ~:>r ~an received J • Let Go9 fay, I: am thy falvauon, I _am fort1~·c:d.2gatnft bad. news, rbe righteous is 'not afraid·of .evil ti~ ~ : <Hngs,_ his heart is fixed, rru£Hng inGod ·: ]et". (;:hrift bea~van·ced,Att~i-dirifi de,fl!royed;and I am fatisfied. --- . . , . 2.4.· When yotifee or hearof ~u}y Prodi~ gie~, think; who kr~owech ~l~e _p_ower of God$ ;toget? oh the d~~adtul MaJeffy ot che Lord ot Hofls)"whomade the Sea anddry Land,· who commands alf the E1enients., andworks' ., his wonders \in the Ftre;' Water, Earth; and., . Aire; 'they that dwel' ie the~.u-rcermofr part$ ot the Eanh are afraid ·at his tokens, rLord; · ··\\rqat mean'rhefe_things? vVhat wilt ~hou ~k)_.. wich 'tis f .otir fins '(iy for venge~rice ;' preca . ' , ~enc ir, or- hrde thy s:ainrs tit thy .wrath, be . pa~~~· When you'hCa[ ot' .{ee the' fi'nfUl atls1 , • of Men, think, ob~ what arerhe oefi of' us__ by . n:tture ? who makes me to differ ? free grace. _(tops inycotirfe, elfe I ,had b~em reeling widi the Drunkard,bhlfpliemiog yVich the !wearer/ . , ' revelli'ng with rpe Waneon, l.ord, . let me.not . . blef~ ~y (elf irf morality, but arive at fince ..· fity, neter leaye~ n1e to wayesof miQe o_wn" ) l?eart: ~h,. bow i~ G9d q~gionoqred '~-w~at:., long-(uftenng do@h. he exercife? but Ju{hce·· Wil awake. ~~ , , _' ~6. VVhen:tout _own ~or'iuprions..break out, chink, .qh /tl1e ,viienefs,. of ~his _na~gh~ie. he£rr,: olf wfctdied Creature that .f am) Whfl ';t a· {h11ll ,. '· I . (