Heywood - Houston-Packer Collection BV4510.A2 H49 1667

')t:.j '.An Jp-epndix:concerning ,, (ball deliver me from this ~edJ'of de.t~th ! little· I \ ·' did l think to have been rhus begu1led,;an · furprized, God is juft, and l·autvil~,- I grow {ecure, a1id God· ha;(h left me , oh how might be have taken me in tbe aa: of .fin aod caft tne headlong i,nto Hdl! my foul, defer not to humble thy [elf, ~u1d make thy peacewith God. , ' ~7~ VVhen any fad crofies b~fal y~u in body, efrate, name~ relations, think; ob.)what fin is it .that God ·MOW whips me for 1 Lord, bore mine eates, to bear~ tbe voice of the rod, bow n1y heart in obedience to thy wii ; oh . ..s:'~>K•;.·~· , 1\ ·' •that inftr'ua:ion might come along with cor~ \ ' ' reaion, my foul, fcarch thy heart and w·ayes. this hand of God is either a token of Gods ·iove, or the beginnings. of . his wrath: ph that ·I may {~e a F;1tber? ,l1carr ~ and feel ·a Fathers ha no, and atta1n 111¥,Fathers end , I . , therein. · _ , ' · l8• VVhen yau are ddivcrcd out of ~p; parent danger of death by ficknc(:; or fad ac· cidents, confider) oh my foul, what if thou ·, hadfi now been fnatcht aw~1.y, and thy bodie left a fiinking Carcafs! .where hadft thou been l wan thou re~die tor g\orie? 'what a{· iurance hadft thou of a better fiace? didll .rhou not chenwifu thy {oul had been in a better poflure: mend the matter now, give God the gL~ rie ot thy deHvcr~ncc, {crve ." hiln better,. be more prepared agaiofl ano• ) ...ther tjn1e•. , ' · z9. VVhcn night approacheth Candles .. are brought io, arid the bri&ht Skic is t~i I ..-' \ I t. ..-t /