' . . SutjeEls for holy thoughtr: jij · .of' Star$; think'-.ther·e's 011~ day mo~e of my .life nowp1flanpgone, f am thus far near·ex , Eter'n'icy; Lord, · fet u,p rhe Candle, o( thy · . Grace in my foul in this nigfit of darknefs, ' C!rroui and terrour: ~ .!hew rll'e . the , light .of Life , · let the bldicd Day fiar arife in my heart, Oh when fh.al my foul be tranfiated above yonder twinkling Scars, to (hine ~s ~ , .Sta·r: in the Firmament ot glory• '· , , j .cr,. VVhen you "put off your Cl'oiths~ and. go -robed, think thus, even thus, muft thou my' foul, ·put off thy body at death, thou tnuft beundoarh~d, thJ.t thou maifi ke c/o~tth· _, ~~ upon with .• Houfe from H-eave11; 9 my [c:>ul' ., be dat1y nndrdling thee of the body oL.fin ., · and ·lay .thy. felf in the·Gr.ave of · Chtill~ ,he ~Hried rwirh IJim in Jpiritual ·B4pti[m; _ . giv~ uplthy felf ·into his h~nds, a._od.·laf thy . ,{elf-to·.Q.~ep .as . ~hou wouldeft b~ found ~t · . 1 . l · I ~eatb,,: .~r· be ratf~~ ;at the great day'Of Re,. ,·~·> .. , · furretltun. ,.. 1 _ . • J • · , .;.)T:hde~; and ruc:h :Jike Qccurrerices mufi: . ' I put you in mind of fuch meditations, and .· \ ' tbus.riliY Jour diGught~ both have ·, an.d be a , hleffed Tteafure. ; ·1. • . ,,. . .3·-_ .1:~ / • .,. "' t \ 1!'" . t ·'' ; ~ f ~ ..... .. ..,. ~ • .. ' - f , :l ~! · how ~onclud~ all witha few con~ ,fideratio11s to lJlOV ... e u~ all, thus. eo eml,)loy, ,. , :Our.thougllrs:upon.proficable Sqbjefr:s : - ' · .. . IL r,Cor1fiae~ the. flritlnefs of .(;ods CGm_; 1J.!:tnd,;J~fh· 1. 8.q ·rh_fl~flM!t ~m~ditar-e rtherein, ( t. e. in the 8.JokoJ the Law) d4J At~d night, . ·Cfl[,l_•. J., :~~~ JfiUr Ajflet·ion{Jn, t~in,glahlt~e : how . : · dare.. you ~neg\e~~ a 1>ofitive D~tie : chc. \ . ... ~ > ~r. · _ ·. . Y 3' fame ' . \ \