. ' Su~~Eisfor holJ t~oughts~ · )i' quench sa·r.ans·fie~y ~arts: thefe are a pre- "' cious Anttddte ·a~atnft. the. poyfonous al· 'lurements ofthe world ; for thefe node the foul fomething elfe eo do than to min~ toys, l ,· •• the ~efi way t6_fiten~e.fcolding Women, and,NtJ~ vaciii bark1ng dogs , ts to mtnd our work and way, txigr~ir · and let them alone ; will a Judge go off -the rtb111 atl:. · Bench to play'with boys 1 Give them .Nekt- dtf!e mihi. miAh's anfwer, Ch~p. 6. 3 ·~ . ' 6: This 'exe~cife of.the th~ugh~s wil h~.lp s~~· P[alm agatnft corrupnons', thereby you 1- fee more 119•1.1, of the evil -of. fin ' 4nd·' in V.fin u the '~ Ntl' . ·- .. ,JPread he{1r1 anJ ·'Bird, Prov. r. 17. and i't tiles the {oul Heaven-wards, a Bird iri the , rbe·ayr is not taken by aNeronth~ ground.: · . yea, 'when the heart is.taken up with ~di• vine Painties; it cannot rellilh the husks of fin : the chiMe will not ·part with the ·apple., I .while the tafte 'of it is in his mouth. "' . ... , ~ 7•' This is the highefi excdlentyan&im2 ,provemeht ofour Spirits : it~' is the nobleft ._ ' ~hlployment of the foul, at1d advancement , of its faculties : the foul is of an high · J?~~tp , it~ ·a~~bAfing !of it to: mind· loW, ·~ -tl:itngs •·,'the ·S:i:tnts are of ·an htgh and ge- , nerous extraa: by their feconcl birth , muff: ~and wil mind the things of Heaven, .in all . ·things befides excelling others , in this ex· c_elling tllenifelves, as ·'cis.faid of BM&h,l-: ·;.,r. . . ' ·,,.: ·- · · , , ::; 8. Thi~ 'is th~ beLl: way for ~he' exercife and encreafe·of grace ; gifts are 'promoted 'by verb~l~ bu~ grace by mental difcourfes ~ " .· , Jf the thoughts feed on Chria,· .. the foul be- - -.. ·. - J; 4 , . ' ~Q111C$. •