< \ ·jjo. ·. AnAppendix concerning ' 'ntent: our neack·-and hearts are like riven V~aels, all runs out , unlefs the·Veffels be ~el foaked · by heavenly -Medication. Oh, what a tenacious m.emory, large underfiand~ , . ing; .and vaft abilities have f.ome attained to ~by this means ? . J . . I . I 6. Holy thoughts prepare the tongue fol! profitable difcourfe, and render Chrifti– ans ufelul.~ He that bath his thoughts beft· ""' employed when alone, wil have h~s tongue beft exerdfed ;inCompany: it you convetf~ _witlrfuch a oi1e··in your Houfes, in Tra• rung, on .a Journey, u'pop any occafioi1, ftil I · his.thoughts wil ·prompt his ~tongue to -. prB-· fitablt aonferenceJ and oh the good that fuch ·aone may do ! ·.. · ~ ~; , , : · • ... ~ .Ji 7. Holy, thoughts anfwer =Gods thdaght~~ , ~ 1(•11 j tht.· ·ti,J!Iigbts, faitb God , tiJ~tt I thiir~· t~wArl,s 1'"• thtJ",tht'J.If{ pe«~ l a11d not 1f rifi~~~]e.t.L ~9'.' ·i 1.• ana CaO we apprOVC 00[ heart t:a God·.; chat he knows the thougbts ~e have io;watds him" not .e~il, bit~ gd<;>d / iJrouehts,. 7haw ·ac<:ept:1ble wtl tt be to ®od l " ,, Oi{the contraty ,- whar ·groffe ingratitadc , wil.. icc-bde ·iE -<>or thoughts' .be not ®od.:. I war.ds '? t .c . n ' . ; • \ ' .J.' • r :: · ~·.-a •.D:i¥ln_e' thipg$ ate· '~~ly worth {hihiC~ · . . ing of- ·; ·Qther' mahers ~re . not worth ~ a glance of otif eye , or . a thought of bur mind, .WOlt .ever relateS ·notf i:O. the f0ut and t:o Et~rniliy . islnot .worth~.ipding ;-- we~ lo;ft tJot.~ fau~,nhe,A.\'oftk, •t. th•ngs that :m~ . [t~n-, Hi 1tt thutgs:wln&b: ilr~ Nfll fu~ ¥ '- Cor•l4· I 8• ~ r•• •• . . ' ' I ' . < <} rhefe i . I