reSl:ed h0W to .make Rel!gion· his bulinefs ;· .in ·his dealiQgs withall Men,· in the~ choiceof hisCompanjons,in goodconi~ pany, ' in bad company, in folicarinefs·J'- ot - whenhe is alone, on~week-day frommor•· ~niog to·nighr·, invifiting the fick~ on a dying · Bed ;.'as alfo themean~how,a ~tltifiian maY, ·do thts, and fome monycs eo 1~ . , ' 4• The Dqor of SAlfJAtiunopened, by the l(..,i r · •f Rlget~l~atitm. . / • • . . ·· . 5. Heaven t~t~el Hell pp1t1mu:,ed 1 and the ' Tr•e Chrijlian CharaEltri~ed. · \_ 6. The Failing of the •ftefh; :and the JU•ri• · {hing of F~tith: er,·On~ ~~~~ [1r Eplrwitj, with: . . the only·way to throw. ttwell; -all thefe by Ge~rg1 Swi~t~11oc~, M. A. · AW4ading~ng" ' ftt fw .tlie Finger; ~ogethe~ -with theN~~-ft~th Profefor; byYY. Set.~l1. '· . Book.J in l~trge Otlailo' ~ · The b1:1rning ·of London in the:fea_E t66~~· tn 110. Meditations, in4• Pans. _ - 1. TheSins prqcuring thatJudgment. ,. The natural CCJ.ttfes ,of Fire... . ' 3. The mofir~ma~kable. pa1fages of that"" .~ dreadful Fire. -. ' · · / 1 · 4• Comfort and counccl to fucb ·as arc > fufierers by the faid Judgment,by SM».R~Ilt. AGliwp[e t~( ·E.ternitJ, by .A.-CAleJ• ·. Of!l.!!enching the Spirit, the evil of it ji1 re.;: ' fpetl: bothof its cau~es andcffefrs,difcovered~ by TheDgbillu Polwhetle. , . . . . . ~ ' . The greateft Lofs, uppn MAtrh. 16~ ,6~ · - ~Y J~tmes ·Liilt{ey. · . J • ~ • --, •• t.JUofei uo~ailcd, by 'f/111/li~t• GHiiJ~ ' Th~ I