Heywood - Houston-Packer Collection BV4510.A2 H49 1667

I . I . H~[t\rr·eafor~e ~ 1hep~~tie,;ce,here i1 the p•tience,lln~ fAith ofS~tintJ: qa Here,s the tryal of it, here's room for it., ·here's the !riot'and fruic ot it,.even Anti- , ehrills ·defolatton , which they have been fo lo'ilg waitit?g and prayirl~ for.; . (u~~ly a_glo~ ; riousfight worthbeholdtng; R.o'll;e ~amtog , ~ · Sain'ts triumphing, r,et in the mean timeJ they 'have need ,ot Faith and patience : For immediatelY. before.both thefe... pfllfages, wee ' na,v~ a dcfcdptio~o£ Ro'!JII rage ; the Devil ':• ' .-·." w1l coq1,edo~n ~~~~ ~hegreat(fwrath,~_he~~ ~ev.~~~ ,hee h.~th ~lhorter ·t1m~ , and die t.afi: btn~gs ~;rien.o£ tl~.IS ~y1ng Beafr.~wtl be.th~ fier5efi, whtch tium fer~.;._ -mar brtng forth all tbe Satots Gra~~s, and all rum, 'Uitr. licileenough in time'softryal ; wehavegreat len.tittte$ . ' need,of,patience after wee have done eods (un.t m•r~ ' , Wi~·dlatWCnl~~~~(o fnd'ure his W. iJ; til pro-' :b. ICJ~ 11;1t~es _~t: P:et£o~D?~d. We~u(t. bu.ckle-. otl.tbc 3 6. ~rmotlr ofCod,d1at we~aybeable toWtth- Bph! f! ~1 ffand inan evil da:r-;-and·hav:ingd9ne and~n· dur~d}J.ll, to ftand;on t~e Fi~ld ~~$ Conquerors. · In perfop~l. ~pnflJfrs ~11. our .ftock of fu~cring Grac~~ l!l~Y. be/put too't; PoveFty W.~l..rry our ~~~tbr, d!fgrace our: felf-deniat: :fic~~e~s Oll~ P~tti~f:15P~ ~~lav . of retu~n ofpray· ~ er~ , tn ·a long ~ll:ea · M~rc;:y .~ wd try out hope~ ....-and alL~lpefe .Grac~~ ; p1ufr have their • , . _ . ~feG wor~, ~hfl~ ~~e ~hnlhan .aJfo may be ~Ao-. . l}e~feGt, and ~~Jlr.e, ;wanuog· nbthtng, Jam. ~ r:. Jt.A;H~''· 4. .~e .fhqula .. nave .the whole ,b~rjtage ofa ex oJ\os Cn_r!fhan, the -~e~~Je~t ac~omplifhment ofa· tDt~f!,/6- , S~w_tl eyerv G.JiilC~ .m.Jts .he1gh_t and ~lle pro- ~Ht::. p Jtpon. •Job., Da.1.nd, Eft, and He~el.u~h had fl J: 1 ' l "A •· ·· ~ . rew as to. \ arl~ .l,n ~large flock · of bearing.Glraces ' and ta forte • I • • they &o~tflmtr. ,