Heywood - Houston-Packer Collection BV4510.A2 H49 1667

... / . _ · Heart-Treafure. -our J()feph,to furnifuour foul,swith a-trea[ure~ and therefore ·bee that uegletls to flock his heart from this fiore-houfe cloth undervalue the great Office of thrift~ and doth what bee can; to frufirateGodof his end in fouls-Cup· ply: This is·horrible ingratitL1de. 3· Reafon is drawi1 from the end and de. ftgn of all Providences and Ordinances: They are given to be helps to promote this Heart• ·:Treafur·e:God puts a price intoour hands that we may have Grace in our hearts; He gives us a (ummer {eafon to lay up for this pinching WinteJ.·· Nacuraiifisfay, tbat while rhe bird called Halciot~ fittech on her nefi:, there's calm- , nefs and [erc:nicy upon the Sea ... Such Hal-- cion-daies .of tranquilicy, and Gofpel-oppor– tUnities have we enjoyed in tbis tempefiuous Sea\of the world, not to feather our i1eHs .be– low, much ·Iefs to hatch the Cockarrice-eggs of :fin,but to warm and ripen the brood ot Grace ·in our fouls, and to lay up a precious treafure for the evil daies of Old..-age,Sicknefs, or Per– fcc.ution, and for the long day of Eternity. WhenGod affqrdsa feafon, he expeCl:s things fuould be dqne in that feafon, and if man neg– Ietl it, his miferywil be ~reat upon .bim. The !cdS.G,S A 1 c w· . d d l)rov. 6 • 6 very nt ays up 1.0r · ln_ter, an . rea.sa Vrov. 1e.s leCture to man,of good husbandry:G-athenng Formica,. in fummer is a token of wifdome, buc fieep- ,apis_, &/~- ing in harvefi, is a fitifu1, fhameful,beggari-ng co-.z,a, Jllnt O.'l G d n. h . /l.... ld k. vere l~tica- pral-:lle. o cxpe~~s t at V{e wot~ W?r 10. . rism Mrri. , the ltghr, 4ndwalk rn the day, wlule thts day , of Grace lafis; Jofon I 2. 3)• 'Tis a fadafto– , nifl1ing thing, that 9od fhould ·hold men a ~andl.e·