Heywood - Houston-Packer Collection BV4510.A2 H49 1667

Qedrt-Tfeafo.re;, fur thcmfelves ~nd heires, a fair demain, a ]argeefratc. _How m.~ny rich men are fiill . • ~+" as eager for more, as tf they had not enongh ro purcba{e a meals t:neat? yet thefe feek for earth, as if abundance thereot wouldpurchafe h~aven; like the Partridge, they {ic clofe on thcfe eggs; thoughtb~y hatch them not, nor Jer.17.h. .. ·:, .. are ev~r likely to bring them to t.heir defired 4uri Jaer 11 matunty ; Oh the unhallowed, thull after fil~ fames. thy lucre l Many think to fill their fouls with wealt,b, whereas they cannot fill one of the le.aft.members of their body: th~ eye which Eccl~.t.s,· - - yet aNut-fhel will cover; th~ world at the beft is like Pafote, Bat~quct, which when the guefis begun to c~t, .yanifht into no~hing; ·And fb~ll fomany men fet their eyes (and _ he~ns too) on that which is not? And fhall Pro; 2.3:1~ not Gods childreri make a ~reafure of that · which is enduring fubfiance ?·Shall men think romake a treafure of coales, and chaffe, and · elnpty fhadows ? and fua]L not the Chriftian gather fi:ore of Pearls and Jewels for his trea– fure f Shall tbe children ot the world be more ' wi{e and wary for eatth, than the children of light for Heaven?· God forbid. . Surely the Chrifiian hath as great rea(on to heap up as ~ny ; thefe cotllmodities are t:nore rare , rich ~nd neceffary thanany 'other, and why then fhonld they not get an heart·treafure? For in thefe reafons I wouldboth convince thejudg~ fllenr, and per(wade the affections j thefeare the chief motives I have : for I would fpend tnoft time in Direction. I ~. _T~1is, auq onely this clothdi(criminate ·· · · · · · · ,_ .· · - ~ · ,· be~ \ ' . ~ .;j . :>.:. , . '