Heywood - Houston-Packer Collection BV4510.A2 H49 1667

\ • 'c ... ( \ . f;l~art~7re~}kre.' priocipl_e in the heart ditl:a,te t~ us our duty~ · and affi!l: us in doing of it? Are we fruitful in ' gdod works, words, and meditati.ons' and are we Ufefuf in our generations ? let'S not r - deceive our feives, its not aconceit of fome · · good meaningswithin that wil ferve our turn; but the Apo~l~ tels us roundly.atJd l?lainly , · Be that doth rig.hteor~[fiejfe, is righte~us, I/.John 3· 7. A6ls do eviP.ence the (hue, and a mat~ canno~ be good unldfe· he do good: That's tl1e third tryal. . , · · I 4· How do,you encrea[e this Trea[ure; 7o' hi1n thAt hath jhall be given ; truthof grace is the Prologue to growth jn grace : aqd growth in grace arrives at full frrength df grace 1 theSai6ts go from flrengt~ to fl'rength, . ~ P[~lm.' 84 7.. The true Chriflian, like his Ma- ·., · , ·. · fier~ encreafeth in wi(doQ'le and frature, and Luk,,.:p._. in favour withGod and roan; ~ Thefe waters " of the San6l:uary, rife'UP ro ~he ancles, kneesi loines, neck, til· the foul come to ~he Head . Chrifr, and fo be fwallowed .up in the unfa.. thoniable Ocean of Glory,; -'Tis-monflrous · in Grace as we~l as Nature to grownone,but· - continue as.aDwarfe ; 'Tis afad Chrewd fign . you have 'no grace, ,if you think yqu have.· l'diJt.ime ho· graceenough: he was r1ev~r- good thJt de· nus!fl qu~ fires not to be better: They are Hypocri~es, ' ·. melttn fierz. and ' fure ~b be Apofiates that are ·contented n.en vult • h n l B 1· · · r · bl Bcr. ~it a t~n~e; T1e tn~e .e1ever ts .ut}Latta e, , fhl hungr,mg and thtrfiHig after R1ghreout- . ndfe, daily adding one cubite afcer another rpirirdal ftature, that he J?llY be a call · to his Chrifr ; and at laft attalfl to tbc.mean1ah - ~n ·, ·. ~ [ure .,