Heywood - Houston-Packer Collection BV4510.A2 H49 1667

. I \ . - - .. ' '· '--- I ··. -, - ,__ . /'" Uearf:.Tieafut~. . fouls, even the fine white liqnen of Cbrifts , ·. perfea: righreou[ne[s? was there bot a well~ . !Lunifht lliop and fiore-hou{e of the gifrs and graces of the f piri~ to fill and adorn the hou{e ofthyheart? hbwconies 'it c'hen·rhat tbou\art fo devoid .anddeftitute of what is good?badrt\ . _thou lived inTurk.J or lndi~t, where I did nod'' {et up (ucb an office ofmercy, thou.migbteft, .. have more ~ .to {ay, but dp~ what apologie ~ canyou ma>ke? what Fig-leave$can yo~t finde( to cover your fuameful nakednefs, ·or colour . your.wretched neglige"nce? how camdl: rhou l ' ltirher? qua frontc? what canfi thou fay roi excufecqybrazen lmptldence, thatdare!.t ap•. proach fuc~ a prefence in fo fordid_an habit,; , or racher__m1ferablynaked? the tru~h ts,though' / witty finners can finde iliifts enough to put oft' ,Minifi:crs arguing~, and·fileuce the oawlings. ': ·of confcience,. yet ·ho\K( can their .hearts en•- · · ~ durc, or ·hands be fi:rong, when God ilall1 deal with them? their mouths fhall be muz- . lc:d up in fpeechlefs,yet felf-condemning afl:. o- ~ ' n1iliment: they ·mtifi need$ be condetnncd out of their~own mouths : Oh confider, if · sec .. yo~ be withput a creafure of ~race, and -. rather ask thine own heatt fame heart-awak- . ning, than that God lhould a~k . thee fuch a– ftonitbing interrogatories: as rhus, fay to thy foul, my poor pini'"ng foul, How is it with thee? What.hafr, thot1 been doing? and what( wafl thou fent into the World for ? what muft )._ become 9i thee ! · what provilion haft thon _– made fbr. 'an eternal fiate ? where mull: tkou.: .. l lodge> if tho\1 die this night I a~ let tnepro•, ~ _,:· ·. . , -·· · po(e I '