Heywood - Houston-Packer Collection BV4510.A2 H49 1667

ll~arf:7rea/ure~ • J by <;race ; hav-ing their con~rmatio!J by · Chrtft; Surel am, theyhave no rnencs to ~pare) the wife.V.irgiri$ coHld not furnilli,. a- . ·thers, but a boafitng Fryer pretends he can: the moll of hi~· fectninggood works wil ra- . ther prejudice himfelf, that1 profit others, fince they are generally that v'ain wil-wor• / ' lhip, that's coined in the mint of a wantoL1 fuperfiitious Brain, and fo make che Corn• mands of God to be ofnone effect, and pro~ · ' voke the Lords wrath againfi the promoters · I anqpra61:itcrs thereof. But fuppofe a man couldobey pofitive Commands, in pra8:ifing , all Scripture-duties, and avoiding all prohi– bited fins, yet where'in .bath he to glorie? Is he not fiil an unprofitable fervant? Dot hhe give God any 'thing but his own? Is it not due debt? and h;,it byhisowp.fhengtb, or by I . the firength of God? And can he ,do .what he. 9oth perfettly wicbout the leafi tinCtu re -or fiain of imperfection, or of defett? Let a.- 11Y meer creJ.ture fhew (uch g_ood works JS . thefe, and let him <;:limb up to Heaven ppn .t , .· .... Acc!iu.'s rotten Ladder,we a_re refolved to a(- , ' . ~cend on }11cohs Ladder: Jet others {eek their . own*1erit,' lee righ,t <:;hri1tians fi(~d y I gr~.ce. I • ~ 1hope we ihal be fo Wife to chufe BellarmmeJ .§23.-r~·ant . t I aying fafe -way, rather than his Difputing poli- ~ !tt , fi ~tl • l. . · H r ll 11. • lznt mcrl• tz.c""wa1 to eaven, to rcp?1Ca our.truu. tn rum, nos the mercy of God, and n1cnrs of ChnH:, ra· R, rattam ther than t.he tottering toundadon of mans ftudeamltS': · beft righteoufne[s,which is 6ut a filthy rtlg, and Hern•. \Vil rath~rd.efile than 'cover our nakednefle~e :c:·::J;;1t~ But I pnnctpallydcfign tq lafil (uchperfons, ~L :z. -r 3 :. 1 ' , ·f 4 ,.-- as IfJ . 6 4• <· • . ' . I .. '·.. ~ ' . .> ,I