[TheVignitie oftheScripture. 87 ;vill dedarewhat punitbment is belonging to k; 4. I will apply it,to feewhether it be rot alto our fault .whe it is masifeft,tbatto count the wordofGod¿î a 'range thing,is a fault,and fuck a one as (hall be punilhed,andwhich is alfoour fault. I will then teachofwhat efe all thefe points ought to be vntovs, and what we muft indeuour to learnt thereby t thefe be the parts andpointsofthisnlayes Germon, all neceffary tothemakable handlingof thisclaufe. And firft what the fault was, and wherein this people trefpaffed,when they are laid tohave counted the great mattersofGods Law, ae a ftrangething. The effeaand fubftance of thefault, ina word,was this ;thathowbeitthe Lord The de. had committed and cómmended hisword vnto them , for there neceifaryvfrs, ¿trine. intending that it Shouldbe familiarcuto them, andalwayen at hand with them as . a counfellout inall theiroccafions, to aduife them, yet they reputedit asamat- ter not pertaining tothem,fothat whereinthey ought tohaue beetlemoll con- uerfant in it , theywere the greateft ftrangers; neither were theyleffe feene, or moreflenderlyexpereiencedin any one thing, then the rules and precepts of the Scripture. That is briefly thevery true fault,forwhichthe vnthankfulllewes are challenged, in this place,and that was my firifpoint. Now left when we fhall bee foundguilty ofthe fame trefpaffe,itlhouldfeemeonto vsbut a flight offence, let medraw you to thenexrpoint,which is thegreatnesofit,and howgroffe athing it is to count the honorable mattersofGods law, asaJlrange thing.lwill ende- oourto make itrnunifeft after unfamiliar a manner as Ican. This is that ther£ore which I fay ofit,ehat iswas a fault,compouüded and madeof three groffe culls; I. isdifobedience, z. vnthankfuines; ;.neglet&of thereowneprivate goodeven the good oftheir foules. Firft , it wasdifobedience; for the commandement of Godwas very 'fireight, that they fhouldall, one andother acquaint themfelues with the things ofhis law,wherofthat one place which is inDenteronomy,isa far ficientwitnes;And theft words,' &c. Therefore befides the ordinary courfeof aChap.G.e.7 teaching bytheLeuites in the Temple ; the Lordcommanded , to bind them as fignes upontheir heads, &write them upon thepolls oftheirhoof ,cd upontheirgatet, and all to theend that the lawofGod by that means might become familiar vn. to them:fo that it was amanifeft contemptofGods commandement, topaffe that by , asa matter which concerned themnot,whichthe Lordsdefire and will was, by all meases, to accuftomé thenvsnto, asitwasdifobediencetotheex- preffe will ofGod (andCo according ro thefaying ofSamuel to Saul, as badasfin ofwitchcraft b,) Co it was vnthankfulneife allo and a molt odiousabufe ofGods 23.'í"'r f" kindnes. Confider how, marke the wordsofmyText,/ bane Written to them,&c. SohithAs- faithGod,fo thatthe writtenword is as it werean Epiftle or Letter feetfrom the gutt.Euar. Lordontohis Church.A Letter I fayofwhich the matter is weightie,and fuch as r'far9°.. concernes allmien inthe higheft degree;Co the carriage andframeof it, confide- Co,z. ringwhat theLord is inrefpea ofvs,is full ofexceeding kindnes,many gracious promifes, many kind intreaties, many fatherlyaduertifements,every word ina manner fauouring of vnfpeakable loue. Now put.cafea Kingfhould write alet- ter to his meaneft fubie&, nay tofuchasbeing traitourstohim floodathis mercy tobe difpoled withat his pleafure (for fo is thecafebetwixt God and vs) and Ihould inall temperate manerfpeakegrac_iouflyunto them, promifing opon their fubmifsion, afinall remitting of their milbehauiour, yea andapurpofe to take themfinally into hisfauour ; ifthefe men thusat theKingspleafure, and thus kindly writtenvnto, fhould throw the Letter afide, notvouchfafingtoper_ ufe it, what name would we glue vetothis demeanour?wee would layvnthanke- fulneffe were ro fauourablea tearme, prefumption,villany,intollerable infoleu- cy ;wee would not know howto defcribe it. Howmull it not needes then bent. gratitude ina higher degree, that theLord writting tohisenemies(as weareall by nature ')fucha gracious Letter ofreconcilemeau, Cuingtowisaevs, when as °R0d15.10; it were meeter thatwe lhould cuenwith teases ofblood importune him: yetthe H 4 fgnnes