Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

The Ttler,7exts, andDoEf,rinei 2 Betwixt the ewo there isadfferencebyWhiebtheymay beknoinne. p.314 3 Ahoy andreligions walkingìnthe waysofrighteoufneffeisa tokenofadoption, P317 4 He that makes no confcienceofthe prat3ìfe ofchofeholy dutiesWhich god regoiretb ofhisbroomsin his e ord,is intheftateofperdition.p.3zo. e/Invncharitableper[on is none ofGods children. 324. 6 Hetbatdoth norlone a manforReligionsfake, though therebe noother realeer, toin, dune him, is notyeton thefiateof adoption. p.325. The Plat-forme ofObedience. In 2. Servo. uponRom. 6.12,13. Do CTRI N E S. Conenpileenceisafsnne properly in the Regenerate,andmakes them lyabletoeterna& death. p.328. 2 Mansnatureisacompoundofcorruptionand death. p.330. 3 Wee muff by allmeansfitourTellies again ftfinne, and againfttheferret corruption ofo,r hearts. p.331. 4 There ought tobe a willingnef in vs to be employed in Godsferoico. p.33 5. 5 Heethat wi.'i bee Godsfersiant,n4 be contented tobe ordered by him is aQ things, P. 336 6 AnobedientChrlflianstufltortehiswholefirengthtotheperformanceofthatrigb_ templewhichGodrequired, in hisword. p.338. 7 Ourveryconuerfsonfremtheflateofcondemnation into thelimeofgrace, dothvo-ge uponvs thepraPtife ofobedience. p.34o The fpirituall Son-lhip. Serm z. upon 1 lob.3,1. DOCTRINE S. z ThefiateofAdoption is agloriousclime. p.3 50. 2 Faith begetterby the Word preached,is the means bywbicb weare broughtintothe ffatoofAdoption. I, 355. It isptJble forbiro who is thechilde ofGod to bee afsred in hiefule that hee isfa. P-357- 4 GodsSpirit andour none, are the twowirnes ofe..ldoption. p.36o. 5 The (late of n,Idoptionis vnclaangeable. p.365. 6 Thefiringandfountainofthiseft ate is Gods lone. p.3 70. The life and deathof Dorcas. Semi. uponA/7.9.3 6,37. DO CTRINES. "1 To bea learnerofReligion by the mimes ordainedofGod to teachReligien,is apart oftheveryef/énce'andbeingofat Chriftian. p.384. 2 Every Difciple of Chrili matt accompany his holy profefen With good workes. p.386. 3 Giving tothepoore is a feeiallprofiifeofChriaftinity, whichwe maynot ngleíi. P389. 4 Enn the holieft and the me religious among the limner ofmen are fobieft vnto death. p,391. Thefpirituall Tillage. Seem. z. vonProm. 21.8. andProu. zz.8. DOCTRINE S. I Thepraflifeofgodli»ejp is alabour which requiretls mnhinduflry, p.396. 2 Thefull rewardofReligion isnet tobe lookedfor byand byvponsloe praliofeofRoli. gion. P-397. 3 The