Io6 The abridgement ofthe Wei. frilly. Again; thatwe atefiaues tó eternal' death, ittannot be.denyed.ForWhat a Gen 1.1i. was it which God laid toAdamc/ntbedayrho rhea eateß thoufhalidie the death As fooneas he had finned,that fentenee hadlaid hold vpon him,& death eternal' became .his portion.:Now;laity,foe bondagevadee Sathan, theApOfile faith, z Ephs.a. that fo longasweare the Childrenofdilobediencexhe Worke:h¿nvt, weare in his yiTntz.s6 fnare ; and are takettofhint atbis willY. This itthecommbnflauerieofall, there is not the greatefti nornobleffr,normightiefi, nor fairefi, mar wealthieftamong the formes Of men, but hee is in his naturali eftate thusenthralled. Let men boaft neuer fo much in outward refpeets, asfometimesthe Iewesdid, wemere neuerbond to anyz, yet tell the Senne(hall makethemfreeat this is their captivity; a Vert.;6., We read; of thebondage ofthe Ifraelitesin Egypt , their they were kept under b Esod....1. gtith turdens, andmade*eerie oftheir liues byfare lebour b; under the Philiflims la. Sam.i , vadee the Midianites a; under other nations of the fiauery ofSamp/on bonñd r9,to. ; withfettersandmadetogrinderlikeahotla:Theftparticularsweregreeuousta dlud.6.3,q. be borne, but to this fpiritrtallcaptinity they arenothing. Whenbaíe&ffe and e P1,1.66.;,. crackle ,andfpite are ioyned together in anopprelfor;how hearty muff the yoke 78,60, 6r,&e needes bee? Now, what bafer thing thenfranc ; what more cruel! then death; flud.r4zr. what fuller Ofvenom then thedeuill ? who is ableto defcribe the ntifnryof that bondage, wherethere is filch a concurrenceoffilchathteefolclestremitie? This is our flauerie, this is that from whichweare redeemed t from firnevaro holi- neffe,Fromdeath unto lifeeternal' , from the power ofSathan into the glorious g íCot6zo. libertyof theTonnes ofGod. Forthis purpofe a Price g waspaid, but ofno coat- h 1,1k4. tai. monvalue; (for theare not redeemedwithcorruptiblething: ",hegasehim/rife a ran_ rima.9., fomet,hetoa eonhimthe ormeo a eruanek,tofreevsfromthis eternal!tlauery. kPhd.z.7, bn f f f We maytruly fay, Thiswar the Lords doing, ansiIpray God it maybe mantel/ate IPfal.rte.23. incur eyes'. Pfe s. Fiere is firftagood Leftureof humility,the beLl,and thehardefl Who ofall others : the belt, because Imay fayofkas Ideoli did ofBethel;Thisïe thegateof mGen.a8.17 heaven ": the hardeft, becaufe we are full offelfe.loue, and therewill beeno n z Sam.6.s3 fatali adoe tomake +slow inour onnefght .,and asnothing in ourownefearing. Let vs in this word[Redeeme] (asin aglaffe) beholdwhat weare, and what buff matter we haueof humility, astdhow little realos tobee fecure. Thevery name oía feruant, or bondman, orvaftall, were enough toputa man downe in his own conceit;butto be feruant to fobufea thingasfinne,to(o hateful! aperfonasthe dive'', to fo terriblea thing as eternal!death, I doenot fee how any manmay bee able to expreffe it. Whofoener thereforethoube, who haft binfoolifbinlifting m P,ou3o3 i vpthyfdfe',thinking better of thineowne Conies cline then thereis cause , hence- p loh.246 forth lay thine banduponehymoseb,learne toabhorre thy felfe inda(f andapesr: rep member that whatfoeuer opinion thouhaft canceiuedofthy fclfe, yet thever- diet of the Scripture (which isthevoiceofGod) is, that thotrartby nature a Bane ruder the power ofdarkeheffe : Sathanis theprinceofdarkeneffe, thou are his Cubic&; hell is the kingdome ofdarkeneffe, and that is-thine inheritance. gLuk,is.,;. When thouconfiderefi this,finite thy breaft with tñePublican 1,praytheïordto'- humble thee,that theglad tydings offaluation in Christ maybe welcom to thee: a. Secondly, heere is alío agood leffon ofobedience; Tee areboughtfor aprice en Cor.6,s0, therefore glorifie God,r&c. Itis avery dire&inferenee.God frithredeemed vs; freed vi from thraldome and from captivity : what Ihould we refale to doe for him , euenby wayofthankefulnellà.? Befides, itlea matterofgreatequitie : re are not your owne, faith-the Apo[ìlé ; weare not in our ownepower, his weebee. (Veife r9. who bath redeemedvs:andwherefore bath heredeemedvs?what, that we (hould Rill fettle front, that we shouldfollow thevainconuerfation of theworld , and bee led by the fwayofour owne hearts ? Surely no ; But tobeezealous efgood eT;c.aaç. worker'. Ifay then with-Paul:Hawfhaf we, who arethus redeemed, andtothiw uRum.6.2. . eild redeemed,liaejet infix, Shallve line tubedifhono,r ofGod,to the of ration