IL+. The ellbridgemlentofthe G fel . now fo long afterreceiue comfort by his death part. By faith theybeheld Chrift to beoffered, and arenow entred into ree, by faithwee may alto looke backe upon Chris alreadyfacrificed, and be admitted into the fellowfhipofetemall happineffe. The two Cherubins placed at the two endsof the Mercy-feate, had o azodí.z ç. there faces one to another' ,and both spot, theArke:fo the ageby-park, and.theage IS'aic' after, looke eyther on the other,but bothepos Chris.. ppa. Secondly, this is matter ofmuchcontentmentroa true beleeuer. For here hee may fee, that be henenerCopoore, ordefpiîed,or bare, though hecheamongthe p Pc,1.68.,3. pots P, or be behind the Ewes withyoung q, yet he isby Chrift-called into thefel- q Pial. y8.7í iowüúp and partaking of the fame faluation, which the holy FathersandPro= pliers enjoy ; Adam, Enoch, Noab,tAbrdham,,Nofei,&c. chef were worthy men , and ingreataccount with God. Howtruely waiell thou fry with r'.Sam.18,t8 Daaidr, what amI, that I fbaald enioy that mercy which God bathprepared for them ? In (Lich amanner Both ourSaujourdefcribe thehappineffeof the faued; f Maths.' r. they fh42fitdawns tbith Abraham , Izhak and.Iacobin the kinydomeofHeaxfn r; and it is one circomftance ofthe torrnenc ofthe wicked: T: pallfee Abraham Izhak and laoob andall the`Prophet: inthe kingdome ofheaaen, andyourfelues thrufl uH iLubo;,28. . out atdoores °. What (hall thenbecomecfvs, who negleftfogreatfa/nation' ?.who. aPt1.8z.. when God hath promjfed fuchgloriousthings. forvs, euen the faniefaluation and mercy which the chief-ea ofhis Saints doe nowenioy,yet had rather beema- licious with Cain ; tyrannizing witlsNimrod ; profane with Efeu ; Ccoffingwith .4bmael; extorters with 4bub;prowd-wlth Kabul ; fuperflitiouswith lerobeam ; catching with ludes; playing the bellyi.gods with Dieter; refilling the truthwith Elymas; rayling with Rabfhaketh; mulïmnriag with Core; vicious with theSodo- mites ; (of which perfons we haue no othertellimony, but that they are refereed yIude6. ineuerlaflingchaisesunderdarbnetsntetheixdgmeneoftbegreatday7 .)ThenCeske to teignewith rflbraham, Izhak,lacob, and the Prophets. If weedelire the fame happineffe, we mull got by thefame way. It isimpofsible to have the `Pleasures r Heb, r ,.t;, of/nne.,and the Felicityofthe chofcn too: a Pfal.ros.s. The other thingwhich God intended to make knowne in the worke ofour re- demption ; is his Truth [ ro remembir'hisholycouenant,and the oath, etc. ] Heere we mull treatetouching thisHoly Cèìeenant, what it is, andhow it wasconfirmed by-an Oath: and then next, howGodcanbee faidetobemindfollofhisCeuenam and Oath. Asfor the former, we all know thenature ofa Couinant. By it here are meant thole Articles of agreement whet, are betwixtGod and manconcer- ning life eternali. The fublanceofthis Conenantis, I will bethy God , andthou Jhalt be my people. This Covenant is twofold. The oneofworkes, the condition whereof is perfect Obedience. The -other in grace, ofwhich the condition is bloh.t.ra. Faith b. There two Covenants are one they differ in mannerofdifpenfarion,' the one being in types and fhadowesaftera more obfèure manner, and called the Olde remnant : the other being more plaine and perfpicnons, deliueredafter a new fashion, and thereforecalled theNew: But the Insumeof-both, was, and is, ct Cor.g,n, C.hrifl leftist Nootherfoundation canbelau!':and it was euer atruth, that 9dMU J zCor.9r9. inChrifl, reconciling the world sentohie felfed. Nowahis Couenane is calleda Holy Ceuenant, becaufe it was madebya holy God, and tended vnto holineffe, both to make Chriftsholineffe tobecome-ours, and tobind vs toChem forth thefeints of holineffe in our lines. Touching the confirmationofitbyan Oath, (Bymy e Ga.aza6 felfe, faith God, I baneferorne e,) init,briefly we muff examine the qualitieof the Oath, and the reafonwhy God fware. Thequalitie of theOath is, Byhim /elfe. The Lord doth binde (as it were) his Godhead forthe performanceofthat bee promifeth, as though hee fhould fay; If thisbe notfb, let mebe God no more. Now for theother, it may beindeede doubted , whyGodfhouldfweare, teeinghis word iscentaine in it felfe,and needethnoconfirmation: but we mull know,t hat God fwarenot, to winne motecredit tohis promu e,but he did itfor the better confitma-