The abridgement oftheÇoJel. 135 bardto proone this by theScripture namely, that a godly life is tobe brought into euerydaiespractife wee mall henceforth Jim se much'timeseremámesinthe fit (b,not fterthe laftsof trim b. mttchtimeCo chat notime is exempted fro t 1. b`.rerzq.a uingafter the wilof God Let thy hart beinthe feareoldie Lord eentinually4There' iotodie. is no allowance for any intermifsionof time , to be (pentask werea little more Totoei. vainlyorcarelef ythen other:Panlfpeaksofbeinggtnenveto emerygood neorkcon- Tremelhche tinually,or ofatrending therupon daily°. EserygoodWorks:there is notoleration for wordhgome. any fin:Eueryday: there is no exemptionof rime. !"Wtdeauermyfelfees hatealtvay ,.Iimç.ro. a cleareconfcience Á1Wty,sr,thrOsgbOUt.that is at one titee SSwell as at anothsr, eAR. y..6. onetimeof theday as well asanother. There are very fewdutiesof teligion,bnt theScripture (peaks oldie dailinesofthem either bypreceptor example. For dai lypraying, befidesthecómandemétpraycontinua &yf,wehaueDanielsexample,of f Dnes o three timesadaygl& Danids,ofJenen times a day h .Forreadingwehaue thecharge hPCrr6. o. given to brim: Let net this bookof thetas, departfilm;thee,. For meditatió,we heare i loC r? Daad:Obhove lone thy law it is my meditationcontineally k. For talkingofgood kl'faa r q.qr. things:Mytongue fhalltalkeof thy riybteeufoesdaily'.For watching ouer our owns 1Pral.C..24. felues : Keepe thy heart with alldiligence, faithSalononn. Watch inall things., faith "`P0O0.4 3 Pa1": Tse heedLeff atay time therebéán any ofyetianmil heart °. " For depending, o HTbm vponGods prouidence,we are taughttoaskedaiybreade .Forpreparation for the paat. h.6' r. r, croffe, there is fpeech of eak.i sg is vydaily g. For feeking to doe good to others, q Luke q. a: there is aprecept toexhort one anotherdaily'. Thefeplaces & manylike,lhewthat rrkb ;.a3. One dayas well as anoeher,is tobe confecrated to God,and the duties ofreligion tending toGodsglory,the edificationof ourown foules,and the good ofothersd are tobeperformed entry day, And if werenot fo;whythouldGod befocare- fullin the Scripture toglue fuels direftiôs for euery fpecialty that can be incident many day;as,apparell,meate,calling,company, fpeech,folitarineffe, recreation," health, ficknes ,profpetity,ctolfes,friends, äc? whatfoeseroccafiös may at any timetake vp a man in any partofthe day, theScriptut a giuethadire&ion for becaufe a mania bound tosnake confcience of the praaifeof religion in euery particular.Now a double reafon there is forthis doetrine. Firll,Gods comp/funs insrenued emery morning t,and"heladeth vs dailyWithbenefits' Nowfiththereisno !lacking ofGods kindnes,whyIhould therebe any intermifsion ofour duty ? Se- tPfa1. condly,satangoeth about,feekingtodemure°t when a man beginneth to bea little u z.Pec ç.a. fecure, and to give the raises alittle to hisowneheart , towander after it mite waits,then takethhe his aduantage ; and the foule beingbyCome intermifsionof a godly care thus(as it were) let loofe,doth quickly fall intohis Coates. The firfiefeofthis doetrine is, toremoone two opinions, which arecommon The r , in theworld touching religion : The one is,that it is aneafiemattertobe a Chri- fkian,a thingofno great painstobe religious; fome general! defires,fome Caper_ ficiall goodmeanings, Cane formall llrewes, foredeuotion now and thenby fits , Comefew a&ions of charitie; this is enough tofaluation. Hence comment one common fecurity: Moiling andBroiling there is for the Worldwithout meafure l'oCome Carnali and carking humours, the day is notlong enough', the weeke is too fhort,etren fomeofGodsday mullbe borrowed forearthly occafions. God- !Metre is followedbut at leifure times t heavenweefuppofe will comeof it felfe without reeking.' How many daies paffeover vs in ayeere, inwhich matters of the faule atenot Once thoughtvpön?But howmuch are weherein deceiued ? re- lìbiou in a taskefor euery day : He that dint notmakeconfcience eueryday to looke tohisRelìgion,toprofit inhisReligion, and toChew forth thefruitsof his Religion,that hemaycomfortablyat night fay, he is fomuch neerer his iournies endto heauen, thenhewas at His fr11fatting our inthe morning ; that mans Re- ligion isnot as it ought : and her which thinketh to come toheauen by this idle andnegligent courfe , (!tall be called the laifl in the liingdómeof God . The fe- xMatti:ç. ry; çond opinion is , that if there be fome thewofdeuotion andeare to CaneGod M 4 on