Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

TO MY VERY WORSHIPEVL AND MVCH.ESTEEMËD '. FRIEND,AMaaoanRovsn of Halton, Efquire. Hope(Sir) it pall net dif/leaje fate, that as1 baneprefumed to infiribe thefarmir part ofthefeSermonstopan the Hymne of Zacharieroyourfather, f Idoe now alfadir,EIthe latter vnioyan, The mortarlamflee is taut vnteert byof yess: 0.44 for theforme, yoafbalfindittofort with mywifiomarycourfe v efpreaching, Which what it both beamsyourjelfedottiknow as wellas any. l halts nesterffefled anyetherelogaence,than ... thatof the Scripture, famuchmagnified by S.AuguftinnO:?nedoEL Sorr all bee, teas an man aald a e Sermons, as oneMelanthius a eo : a = y y fly of @ k f arit,aa. Diogenes his Tragedy, that amen couldnotfee itfor words. That Whichis plainer .». "' andgem!" claimed oatof theLards fountain (at Cyprian eaßethtbeScripture)hath I,ypr.e. ad mòfhpower mortise eas!cience f the hearer, andisbefi like,togiuevnder(landing b and Pump. fharpeß of Wit was thePimple o. Now for my purpofe inprejentingyou withthere bPCdst$ notes, ! tree;ofyourfeilte, youwill contains it, to bee noother bat chic,tbat theymay rt :to. t 8 mains with you as a teflimoryofmyfattedpurpofeneuertoforgeowirgreat fore, begun at my -very fìrllarriaall iathefeparts ; andfinethattime bath cammeed,anddeclared many wages. 1 boldit neetkihey that ! (hassid fmaway teflifie my thankefulnefie;fer, he that bachfrieñdsoughttoflew bimfelfepenally, faith h Scripture and which Way dProu.t&aq; fhauld',rather then thus ? Greatergiftsyauneede not,andbetter tbenTechas theft ,it is pafmypowertobeffow. Accept therefore 1prayyou thislittle,andvonehfafeitarootne of lodging with yourother books, and whenfoeueryaufha/1 chance tofee it, letit plrafe you to refpell it,'ad from him, Who wellalwayes praythat altaryouhateferuedyotar t Aa, r3.3, time* bere,yoa may be ewerwitbtheLordf: Modbury. fThe64.ip. Your Wor(hips in the Lord tobe commanded, SAM. HIERON N