Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

150 Thee lbiiddement ofthe Ç!ofpel. ones, and doe babble with than in their owneftammeringandvnperfìtelan- guage:fo matt a Peacher proportionhis deEtrine to his hearerscapacity,and fit his tongue r o their conceiving ; otlterwife, he (hallneuergiue the knowledgeoffal- station. but (hall rather make it more obfcure. The 17...f This firft belongeth as a reproofe tofome ,who(like the oldePkari/èt)1euing 9 lobs.. "3 the praafr ofmen more thenthe praifeofGod9foamfo high, infuch vncouth words, r i.Coe.t4ar and ut facia an aff°Eted kindeofeloquence, that theybecome as Barbarians,vn_ to their hearers: lt wereal one if theypreached to them in Latin or in French.Let all filch remember that their officeis, to bringthe people to the lnewlsgeoffal. Nation. Now theplainer thePreacher is, the (boner (hall the people beebrought to the knowledge offalaatîonby hismeanrs. The a. vfe, Secondly, this dtfconereth themifcoheeitofmany hearers ; who, ifaPrear, cher have gallant words, and delightfull phrafes, and interlace his fermon with other tongnes,ftraightwayadmirehim, as extraordinarily learned andpro- f a Tens, ;. found. But I aske ofthee, what knowledge affaluarionhaft thougotbyfuchIler_ mon? how is thyyrde:tlaradirg holpen in thenlyflerieolChrilt? Thou wiltfay (perhaps) that hee was too deepe for thee. Whatgood then fhallhe doe to thy foule, if, by hearing him, thou act brought no neererto the knowledgeof God than thou waft before?ífthou wouldelt heare for thyprofir,prayto God to fend thee Inch an one, which may (peakto thy confcience,which may feafonthyhe1arc with foundneffofkuowledge,and not tickle thy itchingegret rwith pleafrngneffe ofwords, The 5' D''' Mc third doetrine Siamhence is; That tbnf whichare ignore's' intheteat day andmeaner offalaation, arenotyetpreparedforCbrift, nor ft to entertainbim.The reafonhereof ismanifeftby the text: lohn mull preparea way for Chrift;that is; hemuft make menready to receiue Chrift: Flow (ball heedoe that ? By labou- ring'to bring them to the knowledgeoffaleaticn: Therefore they whichare not yet dime fo farte , as to knowwhat is abfolutelynece(fary to faluation, are not come the fidt fteppe towardsChrift. It is truely faidby theApoftle, that they Ep4.Ea4. whole cogitations are darkened,befirangerefom the lifeofGod'. HMVwhat Chrifh faith ; Tau is lifecarciofiing,to know.God to bethe owl,very God, andwbom he bath ulob,rr,; fine7efusChrifl °.Knoweft thou not Chris, what hein, what he hathdone, how that which he harodone, maybeauaileable to thy foule? Thouare notyet in the way oflifeeternal! This Paul beggedof God for his hearers, Thatthey might fulfilled whit knowledge of God, will inall wiledemoandfpiritaallvnderfianding°; that they might be ableto comprehend,what isthebreadth, and length, anddepth, and n Col.!. a. height,and to }nowthe !oneof aria, Y &c. éYf es,'9 this ferueth to flew the ineuicabledangerof theCommon ignoranceofehe multitude. They beleeue that they (hall bee faued, andyet haueno skill in the doEtrine of falaation; theyhope vpon Christ, andyet vnderftand not themyfte- ry ofChri(t: Nay (which isworlt ofall)when the knowledgeofalaation isoffered to them, theydoe withboth hands put it from them,and doeaduifedly fake to chetah andmaintaine themfelues in their wilful) blindneffe. Weeare not af#ta- medto fay, What needeth this knawledge,7owhat midisfomach teaching? Thou art laboured with from Sabboth toSabboth, that thy heartmay beefeafonedwith the knowledge of(aluarion,and that thoumail} be prepared for Chri(t : if thoure- feet thiskindneffe, finely when thoucomt+efttoChrift, to feeke fauourfront z Muh; 743. him, hewill fay to thee: What haft thou todoe withme? departfrom ma, I kaoti the al'ro,r,z, not thou haft an ignorant heart, aheatt Winsknewledge', I cannotbeoake thee. The