Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

tf pqv , ...z . The fecond Sermon. Bytherenrion of theirftnnes: irerfc 78. Tbrengb thetender mercyef our Gad,whereby tludrj firingPone* high bath vitedvl. HÉ fouttlï btanchcommeth nextin place , namely, how this falnotioh,theknowledge whereofmuftbeguren to Gods people; is wrought;and that is, By the remiftienofßmus. In handling this point,I am thus to proceede:Firl,Imuli teachwhat Re inifiien offssesis. Secondly,' mua prooue that our falaation Rands in the Remiion effnnes. Thirdly,! muli applyboth to ourvfe. Touching thegenetallnature ofremißionof /70es;it is an a&ionofGod,wheree by for the merit ofatria he accounts finneas no fmne,or,as if it had neuer been committed. Hereupon it is, thatwhen there is in Scripture fpeechmade offir.. gg vexesof nnes, fnch manners of (peaking arevied, which doe implyan vtter a: bolilhmenr.Tkenhefraffalmjfinnesbehinde thy &mktb. I honepron*ajthy troll: b elfay44.ssa tben-firmsno wared. Inthefedaies, the inignitieof/frailfbaßbe foughtfa,arodthere dler.,;t. ;(. praise none'. Hewiß*doe eariniquities,and can adonrssns into theboesomee the e1pófoaye l' f 9 J 1 f f Mic,7-tg. fed F. Chrileallethitafergiuingourdebtss, alludingtothemannerofCreditors, gksatb.e,tsJ whothen forgiue debts, when they account that which is debt; as nodebt, and eroticthe books. Now thefoundation of this remiffion is, themerit ofChrifl. In himwe hose redemption throughhisblead,tbaese,thefergirotnesofftknns The blood hCola.rq,l ef!elm ebri)?ei'sfetbvsfem allfinnes'. That we may fully vndeeftand thinpoint is,loti.s.y howasses areremittedby Chrift and for him ; it is tobee noted , that in finne thereare threethings; The fini is the crime it lei/è, or the fwaruing and (tray- ing from the will ofGod; by whichGod is offended. Thefecond is, the guilt,by which the party offending is liableunto eternall_puni(hment. The third is , the liaiseorbtotiwhich thelianecommitted leaueth in the offender; by which there followeth an aprneffe or pronerelfe either to the fame thine or to anyother. Thtfe threeare takenaway by the merit of Chri' : The difobeditaceor crime; is taken awayby hisobedience. The guilt is remooued byhisfufrings. The cor= ruprion hiddenby hishollneffe , and the verybeing of itdaily diminiaxd , and by theftrength,power and workingofhisfpirit : Ifit be demanded how this can be? Ianfwer,it is done by imputation, by which there isakiiideoftranflationor puttingouerofthebeleeuers finiteautoChrilt andof Chrifsrighteoufneffeto the beteeuer. Chrifis obedience is accounted the obedience of the beleeuer a Chrifsfutfrings, thefuifring ofthe belceucr: Chrifsholineflb, theholinefeof the betteuer. And fo God accounteth Chrifls obedience, pafsionandholineffe tobee the beleeuers,asmuchas ifthey werereally in him, and asif herhimfelfe hadaauallyand perfonally performedthe fame. Theright vndertandingof this pointis the key ofReligion; and the ffaffe ofall truecomfort in IefusChrifl. Nowthe fecund thing to beeopened (which is indeede the doarine ofthe ?be place)is;Thatfaluatienfia'ds in theRemißioaoffsnnes. And this is iuflified by that raying ofthePfalme; Bleffedratbemotwhefewickedneffetsforgiuen ,and wbbfeAxe irceueredk Now lookswherein Rands happinelfe , thereinllandsfalsarion; for kPfal,;a.r: what happine(feisthere betidesfaluation? And the teafonofthe do&rinebap. parant.