Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

The Riekeparts®fIehoaiáh. 160 fenfekffe thing to recite tofhadow him out, who never hadbeginning,and newer ]hall haue end, by that thing, the beginningwhereof we hauefeene , and which wewell knowmay quicklybe confumed. It wereadifgrace co theKings Maie- fly,ifoneMould vndertake topi&urehim in the fafhionofapoorer ragged, fib. thy,deformed, leprousand vnworthy perfon; vndcrwhat pretence foeuerit were done, it would be thought very inconvenient : Now there'can not bethat diffe_ react betwixt one manandanother , as isbetwixt the moftglorious creatureand the Lord. Thereprefenting of the Nature and Maiefly.ofGod byImages, is called aturningof the truth ofGod intoalier,becaufe thevpholdingof themBoth fRom.a,at, make a fallereport ofGod and breedech in the conceiptof theelooker on,fuch imaginations touchingGod,asare indeed verygroffeand vtterly vntrue. Andlet whaccolourfoeuer the diuell can helpe to deuife,be fetvpon ir, yet itmufl needs make him that teeth the Image , either thinke toohonourablyof thematter be- auk it reprefents God,ortoo bafely ofGod, whois figured out by a dumb thew, by a peeceofablock,which isfoonerconfumed then it was at the fieff framed. I fpeake this tothisend, that it may beget in vs a deteftationof Popery,thebeauty whereof dothconfrfl io fuck abominable reprefentations of the eternal}febouab, whom themindofman cannot concciue, much lesthe workofany handexpreffe. 71e a,p'ft, Secondly,feeing Iehonob is an Eternal Beeing, one,whoas S. Paul faith e,only g'r.Tim.6, bath Imenor:ality,ic teacheth vs,to whomwe mutt goe,that we may come untoE. 16. ternity, Oar foules indeed, men in this iisfulleflate,areimmortall, and Bull be for euer, but fuck is the immortal}miferywhich we haue madeour felues fubie& vnto through finne, that that immortalicie is in Scripture called by the nameof anEternal Death : anda thonland times better were it for mansuer tohaue beese,then not tobe drliueredfrom that dyinglife. Nowasman by falling ftoni lebouah,brought himfelfeinto the dangerofthis miferableEternity,fo,but bybe ingagain voiced&ioynedvutohim,there is nohopeof thatglorious immortali.. ty. He is the fountainofeuerlaflingnes,& the lifeofthePileiswork then death entill itbath receivedanewquickning from hispower. If you aske ofme, how this eternitywhich is in Godmay be communicated unto vs,Ianfwer,thac Chrift Iefus whokath ioynedthe nature ofmanunto hisGodhead, is the alone messes, by whichwe maybee vnitedveto God. No man commeth rethe Father, bat by me".VstoChribs we are enited by lusSpirit: hisSpirit goeth with hisWerd: byhloh, 6,-. it heberms new lifein thedead and rottenheart ofman; by it he raifeth him vp yam thelifeofgrace, and prepareth him by degrees curry daymore andmore vnrothe lifeofglory.For this caufethe wordofGod is called an immortal!feedi, i an eternalWord ,,the wordeflfe',a quickningppard',and all for thiscaufe,becanfe k Peal,r °.y, it bringethvsvoto Chrift, anyhow,are hidal thetreafuret °of happinefk, and in 1 [email protected], the /knew/edge ofwhom lifeeuerlafling° dothconfift.So then marke this: Godcal, mPfr[g,go luth himfelfe leheuah: what is that? one whois the fountain& headfpringofall oIolr.rj;. Eternitie :what mullthe knowinghereofteach me? I rdatthinke thuswith my felfe,l amby nature nobetter then others, euen the childeofÈternall death ; the immortalitìe which I haue,dothbutmakeuse fubie& vneoendlelfemifery: How thenmight I come to be partakerofthat gloriouseternity?I anfwer thee,nay the, wordofGod anfwereththee; But byChrift,thou canfl neuerobtaine ir: But by the word,thoo taut}neuer be ioyned vnro Chrift. Looke into the word, caer- cife thy felfe in thar,there thou fhah find him : be a Itrangerto the word, carenot for it,defpifeit,defire not toknow it, thou f haleneuer hauepartwith Chrift, nor dwell withlebouab,who is theKingof Times, and the Father of Eternity. Thefe two efes we maymakeof the firflthingmeantby this name lehonab: He isLeer_ nag, onethat bathhis Beeing himfelfe : thereforenot to be reprefented by the fading workmanthip ofmortal} man; therefore to befought vetobyChrift, if we delire immortality withhim in his kingdome. °f the fecund Heis called ?ehouahalfo,becaufehe {inchgiuen their Beeing toall other things ofehouaaó which