The23ackepartsofZehòitah. 171 A fecond vie ofthis fecond fignification attic weird lehouah, is to pretfe vpon The z. Yf, vsa fober andmoderate vie of Gods creatures. Euery thing is that which it is through him, hee is thehead. Lord ofall, whichmade all, whichpreferuethall, whichoweth all, and ofhis mercy and freegrace heeharh allowed the free vfeof his creatures for our neceffary reliefe and lawful'. delight ; and every crertave (faith theScripture isgood ifitbe vfed with thanke[gini g'. Nowwe may be lure, t r.Tinr.4 3, that be who is the Authorof everybeing, and the maintainerof it, will take ac- count of the waifull confuming of that, which had a beeing through him. It is the honourofGod, that all thingsare through his power, and bee preferued by hisprouidence. Now though man (fofarm as his commifsion reacheth,) may fpend theblefsings ofGod, and coafume them for bis needfull vfe, yet, without authority so turne that intoNothing, which God bathmade tobeefomething, i$ more then anyman (hallbe able todefend beforeGod. Ir is a good point, to be thought vpon, by all thofe, who for thefatisfying oftheir carnaliand beastly ap. perites,do make hauocke and fpoileof Godsgoodcreatures ;fo,as do drunkards andquaffers,and fetch to whometheir belly it their God"; and fuchallo as fuperriu- u Pi,il.;,59. gully waftthat whichmight well be(pared, vpon the 4nneceffary trimming and drefsingofthemfelues. What hail thois todo, O thon mau,to confirmethat, by which the Lord accountshimfelfe honoured, that it is his creature ? Thouart (I know) a free-holder herevpon the earth, andGod bathmade allthings for thy vie,but yet (that I may vfea phrafeof law) sat without impeachment of wafte: That nothingbe loll, itwas one ofour SauioursItems *. The Lordhath granted n Iah.R.rz, theea leaf with a very large (cope, but yet all is confined and abut vp with this prouifo, Prouidedalwayesthat allthings be vied with (obriery. Let vs remember this then : all things haue their bering fromGod, and (as the Head of this great houfe,rhe world,) bee will takeaccount howthofe things which he bath made to bee, man bath madenot to bee ; and the more liberali hee is miniltring to our necefsity,the more {bait hewill be inpunifhingour fuperiuiry. Thefe be the two viesof thefecondfence ofthe name lehonah : It is hen which giueth béeing vs. to allahings; therefore our life is tobe (pent tohis glory ; therefore that which heebath made tobe, is not tobe Wafted at ourpleafure, without his fpeciallAu- thoritie. Heis thirdly called lehonah, becaufehee giueth beeing toall his promifes,all of The two via them in their due time (lull receive their full accomplílbnenr. Tina dofh alto et the third teach vs twothings : Firit, it fernet htobe a flrergrbeningto our faith,andanaf- ('nifnrion rerance tovs,thatwhat mercy,orgrace,orgoodnes bottler God bath promifed, it j:homÌ ord thallcertenly be bellowed. It is as paisible for the Lord not tobe God,asnot to The u. Vfe. keepe his word. Hathhe promifed that tbhofoener beleeneth in Chri/l, feslihale life eternall"?bath he faid,that hewhich tredeth in him,fhallflandfad for enerr? bath he nIoh.;.t6: testified ofhimfelfe, that he willnewer fade eheenorforfibe thee "?that ifthoudraw Y Prat to5. T. neerevntohim, hewigdrawneerearatothee '?thatifthoucallopenhimintruthb he °Hmbg8,5 willfurely heare thee? that ifthou obey him, hee will bleffethee ? Know this; bptal.t45.t8 hecannot alterthe thing which iegone ntnofbio lips', it is norpofsible that anyof ePfa1.89.3. therepromifesIhould fall to the groundvnfulfilled. This oughttobee laidvp rn !torebyall that ream God againft the dayof trial'.: Whatfoetrer we thinke inour ignorance and fecuritie , yet if we belong toGod , we (hall at onetimeorother feelehow hard á thing it is tobeleeue Gods promifes : fiefh and blood beinghel- ped forward by thediuell, will affoard fo manydoubts, that we ]ball finde much to do, toouercome our owndiftruifulnes,and to depend wholly vponthe Lord. Therefore let this euer bee remembred , that theGod in whom webeleeue his nameislehonab,that is,one who alwaies giues iffuetoall promifes. Well he may deferte to fulfill them, forthe exercil`eof our faith, and the trial' ofour patience, butit is vnpofsible that he Ihould finally difanull them. The fecondvieofthis point Rands thus : We are exhorted to bee followerref The a. 7fe. God