The fecond Sermon. Strong. '73 F the firft thing by which God is heredeferibed, namely his Elenaand Ruing, wehaueheard. Wecome now tothe next , which is hispower; inthisword (Strong.) And this point isworthy theeàamining,forafmuch as there is force- ly any one leafe orpage in thewhole Bible, inwhich there is not Comemention made of the power and ftrength of God. I will follow this cootie in (peaking of it) Fieft, I willthew why & in what refpe &s the Lord is calledStrong' or powerful! ; and then next , of what vies this point touchingGods ftrength may be 'into vs. The Lord iscalled a mighty,llrong,orpowerful! God, for threecaulks. Firll, Why Gcd is becaufe he doch mightily bring topafe whatlocuer he will in the whole world, called °rang. and betides, wharf-Omerhe will nor, orbath not deéreed,.thefame heehindreth, The t. amle. confounded), and fcattereeh, Co that it can neuer takeeffe &. Touching the for- nil: merofthere two branches, we haue the Teftimonyof the Pfalme, Whatfoeuer Rengthodo pleaferhtheLord,thatdidheinheauen.tndinearth ,inthe[ea,&isIichedepthsr &For aPCal.13y.6. the latter,the Cpeech ofSalomon isexprelle, Many deuifes are inaniant heart, bat the catrjdl oftheLord p, rllflood b : the meaning is,rhar howfoeuer men doe plot, b Proüa9. zi and deuife and confultabout many things, yet all their defignes are ordered on- ly by thecounfelland determination of the molt High : that which he is pleafed tocroffe, all the ftrengthof all themen in theworld is notable to effe&. How eatily did theLord confound the great enterprifeof the Conner ofmen combi. ning together tobuild a tower, by which toennoble themfelues, and toperpetu- atetheir names and memories among men c? A great a(fault was made again/ c Gen. Lots houfe,tbe min ofSodamecompJJedthehon/èreundabout, from they'llmen to theold, al/the peoplefib. allgaolers ',yet the Lordmmote them fuddenlywith blind- ' Gen.,9 4, nes,aud their attempt was etterly invaine. It was a dangerousconfpiracy that of Ahfohm againít Dana; The treafen dewgreat(fairh the Text)for the people ineres- fedf/ Uwith Abfalom',fo that cue. Druidhimfelfe, whole heart dratas the heart of e e.Sam,ey, aLyon r, was afraid; yet howfoone wasall this difcomfired, itappeared) inthe rr:, Roryat large. It were ea fee toalleadge many like examples. There is one which f "Sam.t7. may ferne in Read of a great many ; I meane the Lord his mighty ouer- ruling and over-maRringthemalice and power ofthediuell and his inftruments, who had laid fo dangerousand hellifh a plotfor the °derthrow ofall mankind,yet the powerofGodbath fo utterly defeated him that the feruants of God may bee bold inthis cafeto vie the wordsof Daxíd s , His mifehiefeft,a'l recorre opon his gPfal.7.16. ovinehead, andhis crúelryJhallfall repon hisownpate.This then is the fir/ cante why ;i:, God is called (trims, whaefoeuer he willeth, that he effeð, what-Ocoee he difli- heth ,chat fame heeafilyouerthroweth. The fecond caufe, is, becaufe he bringeth The 2, mute. all risingstopaRe without any difficulty. His willing a thing tobe done, is the doing of it,hisvery becke (as it were)andnod,is fufficient tothe effe&ïngoffuck thingsas he hash determined (hall takeplace. Wehaue a plaine teRtmony here- of in thecreation acheworld For howfoeuer Epicures and Atheiftsfcoffeat the creation,and whenthey heere that God made all things,aske inderifion,what flrnments &loaners,&engineshe had,yet the Scripture hath taught vs,thatGod 'made all things by his very, wordsHe commanded(faith thePfalme) and doryWeri 'treated n:He faid,Let therebe light,andtherewas light:Let therebeafirmament,ere. hPfal. to.s, and