Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

18q. The Bac(eparts ofIehouah. itcannot but woundhis heart to confider, that hee fhould fovnthankefutty, fo wretchedly,and fovndutifully demeanehimfelfe towardshim,of whole rich lone, he hash hadthat plentifull experience.This was that which (truckDavidfo much, mPfa1,5 r.4. andvexed his Coale toconfider ; r4gain(f thee,againfl thee, bane 1finned.. There were many circumftances in this lineof his, whichboth might, and (nodoubt) did initly grienehim; but that which went neereft his heart was this, even that God havingbeene fo bountifuli towards him, he notwithilanding had anfwered his loue, with fo greatadilhonour to his name. And the fame is allo intended in theexample of thewaftefull youth(the patterne ofa true penitent:) you thail fee how heedoth ipliftand dwell upon that name (Father) I will rife andgoe tomy a Lukas., rat, Father, andwillfayuntohimFather,"t-e. Out ofall qudiion, itmuch inc. eafed his Corrow, to remember what a kindeFarber bee had, and what an ungracious forme he hadbecte to fogood aFather. Hence it is,that it is fo ordinary a thing inthe Scripture, when the Lord wouldaggrauatemens fnnes, and difcouer the haynou(neffeofthem, tomake arehearfall of his kirdnefes,to theend that they might learnt tobe albamed ofthemfelues, that they hadwalked ficbbornely a- gainfthim, who hadopened cuen the treafuresof his merciesunto them. Thus hithertoyoufee, how the Mercyof God is a motiveto repentance. The third thing in repentance, is, (after thisgodlyforrees for finne) an earners fuite forthe pardonof finne. Now in this itis apparent to every mans vnderftanding, that therecan be no (Lich matter ofincouragement to a mans foule, or that canglue himfuch boldneffe, toppureout his heart vino God,as the confederationof his mercy. Let thewicked( faith theProphet) retorne unto the Lord, Andwhy ?for o ifsç y, bee willhone mercy uponhim,and to oar God,for bee isvery readytoforgioe°. Ceme (fay the repentingpeople inHofee)let vs retuenevntsthe Lord : whatis their ma- (on ? He loath ffoiled, andhe will heale vs; he barb wounded vs, and bee will lindo vs pgof6,t, vpP. Danid(peaking ofthemercy ofGod in pardoning his great finne, fheweth the ele which thegodly whenthey heard it, wouldmake ofit : Therefore (ha8e- g PGI. ;r.6. wry one that isgodly make his prayer to thee, is a time when thon ?Data bee found9. The t3Nercy whichDaaid receiued, wouldencourageothers to have recourfe in their necefsitiesvoto God. The !aft thing in repentance, which is (asit were) the lifeof it,and thetriall andtoken ofthe truth ofit, is nerene feof life. Thequiche- neflewhereof is the feelingof Gods mercy, and the apprehenfion of has loue. t Cta.39,89. When lefephs mifireffe tempted him to vncleannelfe, her made her this anfwerr: Behold, mymailer knowethnot what he bathin thebenfe With me,but loathcommitted all that hebath to myhand: there is nomangreater in this haute then ',neither bathhe kept any thingfromme, batanely thee, becaafe thou art his Wife;how thencauldoe this geeat wickednefe? As ifhe had Paid, By my maflerefaaoar,beingatfirfl a bond. man, 1amnow thegreateft in his houfe,ehere is nothing wherewith hebath not f eely á&folly entrnfled meemithwhatface thenfhoald7 dofach a wrong,&commitfogreat a vileny againîl f bountiful)a wafter? Thus he made his aduancement by hismailer, and the refpeetiuevfage heehad receiuedfromhim, as a bulwarkc to keepe offthe liege ofhis millreffes incontinency. Enes fo the children of God are wont to reafon from the loueofGod : Thus f9' thusbath Goddealt withme,hebathnot on.. ly created me, bat wben I thou left,by the blood o fhisSonne he bathredeemedme: by hie word he called me,by hisSpirit be renaedme,by loisgrace be bath hitherto,ch dothfliS vpbold me, What afhamethenWere itfor mee, andbow fhould Ianfweriflfhoaldad. aifedlyandprefumingly offend him, and willinglycontinue inthe open, apparent, and known breachofbu will? What more forcible argument can there be toa godly fRoma,.r life,: then that whichSaint `Pawl vfeth,/ befeeehyoabrethren,byehe mercies ofGodt, &c. and in another place :feting then we banetheft promi(es, let vs cleanfeoar films t a Coo,y.t. from allfilebineffeofthefiefb ° r3e. Markehowhee grounds hisexhortation to a holylite upon the merciesof God. And to the Hebrewes, Seeingwet recall, a kingdom which cannot befbaken, letvs banegraceWhereby we mayfofernGod, that we