The Backe-parts ofIchouah. 185 wemay plea(him with reuerenceandfeare.. Sith God is Co merciful! togiuevsa uH6.1:.z8. kingdome, we Ehouldbe fo dutifull as to Cane him infeare. It is neceffary, that our flefhoorcorruption fhouldbe whipped forward with the Ccourge of the law, and thouldbe kept incompaffe with the terranrofthe Lord* : but the obedience *s.Cor.t.0 whichdoth not proceed from a heart pofíeffed with the feeling ofGods loue, and refpetingmore the obedience it (elfethen any rhingefe whatCoeuer, that fame is notrue obedience,it is but a feruileand an enforcedconformity, God efteemes it not. Thus I haue made it plaine howthe Scripture not without caufe, Both ground theexhortation of repentance , vpon the doârine of Godstruly. The coniderationofGods merey,breedesfeate, which is(as it were)the harbingerto repentance , it begets hearty forrowfor finne , it brings forth boldne[fe tocome before God to intreat his fauour, it [titres vp adelire toglue ourfelues vetohim, whohath bellowed Co great things vpon vs;Cothat Imay truly fay,(as I did)that the maine vfeoGGods merryis to prouokemen to repentance. What (hall wee thinke thenof the prophaneand wretched courCe of the The erging world, in which there is nothing more common, then tobe drawne by themercy oEtheevLh of God vnato licencioufneffe. The yongman will bee loofe, the proude man vaine, the drunkard riotous, theoppreffer audit , the fweater blafphemons, the adulterervicious, each man in his kinde: andall, becaule Godismercifall, Lb,.Ill bath died, his bleedcan wafh eta all. This is theconimon perfwafion. The merry of God euen thefweeteft proprietyof his nature, is made (with reuerence be it(oaken) a Baude toall manner of vngodlineffe. Men will finne, thatgrace may abound'. At what/better timeafinner repent, &c. and the layingof the theefe z ikom.6. t. at the lad gafpe; there things are in the mouthofeuery Libertine. Thus the di- uell bath taught men to turne the wholefomeneffe of the Scripture into poyfon, and tomake that which by thewifedome of God was provided as a preferuatiue againft defpaire, tobean encouragement to prefumption. If you haue marked what Ihaue both laid and prooered, it path appeared plainly, that the inertia of Godis ratera doârine of rettraint thenof carnal) liberty, a motiueto obedi- ence rather then a warrant of loofeneffe, aperfwader rather to)peed and haften then to delay repentance. Is Godmerciful'? doe thou fare then, left thoubee depriuedof his mercy. Blcßed it the manthewfofearethY. Is bee kinde ? bethou y Prou.m.14 aihamed of thy felfe that haft abufed his loue. Ishee ready to forgiue? fileto him while thou haft time, and entertain hisgrace, While itis called day..Is bee a Heb.3.ta, rich in bounty? the more liberall hee isto thee, Brine thou to beefo much the more obedient untohim. This is the doârineof the Scripture,this isthe Lords owne counfell: whatCoeuer other inference(differing from this) thoumakeftout of thedoârine of Gods merry, thou (halt beebut as oneoftholewhomSaint PeterCpeakes of, who pewter; the Seripeureto their owneelef lrufiiona. If thou wilt a epee ;.r6. not credit met, heartwhat God himlelfebath raid, Theft things then halt done, and l held my tongee, therefore thou thoughtefi that) warlike, thee, but ?Willreproane elect &c. and what the Apoftleby theteachingofhisTpirit bath left upon re- I,pfiL .zr. cord , touching all thole which are not led by the Lordsbountifulneffeto repen- tance ;they doberepe unto ehemfelreeawrath againff the dayofWrathe. Themercy of a ftom,z.y, God, if it berightly applyed,there is nothing more comfortable;ifit beabufd asanoccafion tothe fletb , there is nothing moredamnable. Therefore ifat any time, wheneither thy cosiciencuchccketh thee,orthewordofGod reprooueth thee, thou haftby and by afecret conceipt, that thoumaieft be bolde a littlelon- ger, inas muchasGod is gracious, and it is neuer toolate torepent : know that this is thediuels doârine,itwasforged in hell,and not framed in the flop ofthe Scripture : and therefore pray withDavid , Xeepethyferawefromprefeemptoeoxe. dPfd. 443. finneta, This is themaineand principallvfeof thisdoarine. of 3s orCa Now there is Come further vie to beemade ofthis defcriptioaof Godsmer- nano eE e,, by wayof exhorting vs tothe imitationofit, bothbccaufe weare ingene- Gels meter. It rail