186 The Backepartsof Iehou2 h. e Hph.q.r, rail commanded tobefollowers ofgod ao deerechildren., and in particular altoare Luke 6.36. willed, to bee niercifnGas oar beanenlyfather is merciful!,, There are three things therefore is thisdefceiprion ofthe mercy ofGod,whcrein we mufi endeanourro . imitate God : t: CompaCsion : a, Slowneffe toanger: 3. Readinclfe co for. giue. Horywe mutt Touching compassion, this the Scriptureteachetb, that we are bound by the imitate God law of Chrillianity to endeavour the fuccouringand releefeOfothers ofGods in <oeopeíh. child en as carefully , and with as much tendernelfe ofaffe&ion, as if theirmile- Do?i.z. ries were our own. Remember them that are inbonds, as chemghyou wereboard with $ Heb.t ;.;. them s. This we arebound to, by that Communion ofSaints, which in our Creede weprofeffe tobeleeue. Thiscorm union,as it flandsin the impartingeach too- ther the good gracesofGod which we bauereceiued,fo itrequired: allo a fellow- fhip , and (as it were)a kindof (haring intemporali things. Imeannot acom- munion, anAnabaptifis doe, whichbarrethall propriety , but fuch as was in the Primiriue Church ; ofthemembers whereofitis laid, that they hadall thingscons. h Afts 2.aq. mon',that is,in refpedk ofvfe,euery man tendring the commonwants ofothers, as if they had beenehis owne proper occalions. Anexcellent example whereof we haue in that care among the DilciplesofAntiochia; who vnder:landingby the prophecyof Agabios, of anapproaching dearth, purpefedeuery man according í Ails r 1,25, to his açilitie, tofend *oar to the brethren whichdwelt in laden,. Andhow this is 29. urged upon all, it is worththe reading &confidering, in that fimilitude ofthe A. pofllefetched from the body ;1fone memberfuffer, allfiffer withit: now faith he, koCor,tz, yeore thebodyofChriff, 'Slidmember, entry onefery005r poro k, 09,07. This condemneth thegeneral! want of this fellow- feelingwhich is in this iron vfe. age. It is enen now as ofolde, we can be content our feluesto takeour cafe, bat I Amo, 6,6, no man leferry fer the efaliens offofeph i. Few men haue that tender.hearcedneffe,. to account themfelues(as it were) parties in thecalamitiesoftilers Chriftians, and tobeas willingto further their releefe, as ifit were their owne cafe.Well we may fpeake of theCommunesofSaints, andofourgood beleefe,but fo longas we wane thefebowels of atfk&ion,to make it our care, bycomfort,by counfell by contributión(if we beable)or(at leaft)byprayer, to be helpful: to theal Iis&ions oforhers, linked tovs by the bondof oneand the faine profefsion, our !hews ofreligion are but vaine. If we benot like Philemon, of-whomthe Apoflle gives mPhil vtt.y. this teflimory,that the hearts ofthe Saints were comforted by him m, our prolefsi_ n lam,e.z6. on is but vanitie,ourfaith is but (as S. lames faith)4 dsedfaitis ",ofno citimation, ofno account with the Lord. Howwe'níua 'Thenextdutyofinercy,whereinwemull Mine robe like God,isf/owneffetoan. followGod get, that is,a labouring to temper the heatof ourpafsions, and to keepeour sife. in Ilowncs to Etions in that goodcompafle, that they may not rainy and fuddenly beeprouo- 741 ked.The Scripture fpeakethexcellently of this point :93enot thouofan hat fjeirit 0E<clq.r t, to be angry;anger refis in thebofemeoffooles . Bethel isflow to cormh,uof great wzfe- pProu.14.r9.. dome;bzahe thatioefesbaflymiedeexaltethfolyP. sn4fooleiso'Sodny to fcnenneeby his q Pore. ,n; 6. finger 9. Thedifcretionof a man deferrethleis anger, and hisglory isto gaffebyan of. r PrO. 1" r. fencer, Onr Saviourmakethvnadmifedergo adegreeof muncher, and filch an f bizz;,as. tGal, ;,zou One (faith he):hall beéulpable ofincitement,. Among the worker of theflefh, thedo. ors rohereoffhall netinherit thekingdomeof God,Tau/ numbrethwrath °. This intl.= verdi&ofthe Scripture in thismatter. vl Let thofemen looke wilco ir,thatarea a fierceand eager difpofi Lion, and are ftraightheated vponeueryoccafiota. Prend,hanghry,and fcornefuil inhisname, that. u Peno.xr,x+;n iemttlinhis arre,gaìecy wrath ", whoin his furious pafsions clothheknowethnot What : frtchan one(faith Salomon)whichbath loft themafterdomeofhis affe&ion, ._Prou,s3:At . islikeaçirybrokendowiteandwithosaetalleo * , he is Cubic&to manyinconuenien .ces. Thofe Which Bede this imperfeetion in ehemfelues, let them behold this pattern. It is an honourvnto.Gòdto bee flow toanger , andLearn. ofmee(faith Chriff)