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The Pack-parts of ehouah. 187 Chri?t) that ismmeeke x : Remember his aduice that faid,Giae not thine heart alfa x Mn.t,,ag; soall the ¡yardsthat men 'eakP 9 :hc that doth fo Shall be fute to ouerthrow hisown y Ecc1.7.:3. gcictnefli. The third branch of Mercy , wherein weeare to imitateGod is readineffe How we muff to forgiae. This is plains inthe Scripture ; F'orginiuq one another, etas: as Godfor imitate his C'nreíls fak' forgiaeyen ForQiuing one anntber, ifany manhas: aquarrel/ toans. readinef;em rher, men forganeyon,eiseri todoeyee And our.Sauiour expounding that forgive petition of the Lords prayer, Forgiosevsour rreffailts,&e.deliuerout ofitthis Theq.doá. ex rein point t I on or icemen their tre a et, tsarheatenl Father will a(ofor- gh, P P Iy I g IP If y y ! f cel.3.3. ginsyen, bat ifye doenotfargiue,5]c. no morewillyour heavenly Father forging'yon,. 68?ar.6,rq.,g And after, (peaking of this point by aparable ofatenant towhom his mailer had forgiuen much, butthe fame by and bywas ready topinckeout hisfeliowes throte for a final! fumme, His Mager (faith he) was wrath,&c. andthen he con- cluds,f,lÿkewife (hall mine heauen(y Father do toyon,excepryeforginefromyoarrhearts tMat , 8 ;.p, each one ea his brother their rrelp.fese: There can bee no Curer pledge to a mans 35. fotile that his owne fumes are forgiven with God, then thatreadineíie which bee fades in himCafeto remit private wrongs. That heavewhich a man feeleth in a warme funnieday, to be ea!] upon him from a fosewallvndrr which hewalkes, he kroweth it to be a beatingbackeof thehence iffuing againft the wall from the Sosse , and fo that vBelding, and that relentingwhich is inone Chrif:ian toward another, is but a bea.ne ofthat grace and mercy which he himfelfe bath receiued from the Lord. God may well propoundunto vs hisowne example: for it is on- poisible for oneman to doe that wrong toanother, which wee hauealldone to God : What frailwe thinke thenofour fe!arn,ifhee remitting a trotli of finnen tovs, we frail not linde our feines content to(étgoCanepetty trefpafks ? This is an admonition whichconcernes 211 r for it isvnpofsibleto line heere in the world, without fome caulkofoffence. IPa man Ball greedily apprehend e- rCo very oecafon, there will be no end. There isnodonbt but aman mayinaChrî- flianmannerfeekearemedyagainftwrongs: forothrrwrfc cowhat eudeisciurll government? The Magiftrate bearerh not thefiverdfer:mightd, and fomemen dRora.t;.4: areof that unbridlednature, thatif they be not by an ordinary cootie redrelfed they will breake out into greater extremities. But herein menmaillooke to threethings. Firlt, to bewareofa heart defiröusofrevenge. To take vengeance is Gods office, and weemay not encroch upon it. Secondly, tobce very aduifed , that our coudesbe not fcandalous to the ChurchofGod : Offencesfhallcame, Ewe roue bete the man by whomtheoffences commrrh °. Thirdly, to sfeextremity-of law e Marr8.7: as alati refuge : it was the Corinthians fault, that they were by and byatchelaw one with another, when asamong rheinfeintsmatters night hauebrete other. wife determined t. Euer remember that ofSalomon, It is a manshonour to ceafe fReader. fromfirife s. Amancannotdoe himfelfea greater credit,in theeyes and opinion Corn. of thofe that fraseGod, thento lcr goe difpleafere. g Pron. 20.;. Theendofthe thirdSermon. s The