188 z((_ " olsa ' < . The fourth Sermon. And nbtmaking the wickedinnocent ; v:fitingtile inipayoftbefathers vpanthe chib drenanduponchildren: abildren, MO thethirdandfoisrtbgenererion. HEfourth and laic thing by which God is in thisplace defcribed, is this iuflice; the lullice ofGod isherefet outby twei things. r. By (hewing vengeancevpon the perlons of the wicked. a. By punifhing their pofterity to many generations. Touchingthe former; (not makingthe wickedinnocent) the words in the Originallarcvery lignificase, on this wife: Byacquiring be ;Minotrocquitethewicked.It isa man- ner of!peaking peculiar to that language.vfed, to note outunto vs the Bainesand certenty ofa thing t as whenGod told Adam, that ifhe did eatof the tree inthe a Gen.sa7. midlt ofthegarden, bydying hefboidddie °,that is,thefêtenceofdearhIhouldlure- ly overtake him, andhe shouldnot be ableto efcape ; fo here, when God faith of himfelfe,that heis one who acquiring witnot acquire the wicked,hismeaning is,that whatfoeuer may be fuppofed becauleofhis patience, yet he willnot fully and Ii. pally difcharge tholewhogoton Hill in their ungodlycoudes, and prefume vp- Doílrine t, on hisAlen', without repentance. The point taught vs hence,is, that howbeit the Lord may inregardof hisforbearance her thought to acquireand palle by, mien molt vile & wicked perfons, yet thereinnothingofmore certcnty,thenthe tenuity of his Iuflice,vpon chofe whichare not drawne by the abundance and ri- I, fal l.5o.6. ches ofhis mercy torepent. Iin the ScriptureGod is called a fudgeb,yea & a righ. e a.Tim. j.$ teens ledge'. This titlegiuen himmull needes imply thus much, that hoewill in time takevengeance vpon impenitent (inners, inas much as itcannot Ikand with the honour of him who takes vponhim the nameofan upright fudge, tofuller fuels toefcapevnpunifhed, whobreake the bondsofall good Inwen, and doe har- den their faces toall kindeof vngodlirteffe. Salomon faith, that he which lollifrnb t/ewickeed,andbee which condemneth the inff, even they bothare anabomination to the dProu.rv.i5. Larda: And againe:He tharfaithtorbe wickedthou artrighteons, him!hallthe pro. ,Prou.34.24. pieeorfie :and by / fäj thereisa woe denounced to thofe which ioffiferbewicked fI1o.5a 3. forareward r. Now,if theLorddoe hate it inothers,tòacquire thofe whoare by the liri&nes and feuerity ofgood !awes tobe fuppreffed,we may wellbefare that he himfelfewillbemuch more ftrait,according as his eye is(harper to fee into the nature ofentry trefpalfe, and his hand heavier topuni(h and auenge the famese- 0g,111,5.5. cordingly. That Godbates all themthat workeiniquity g that heisaiealonsGodh, hE,od.205. that herakerhnoreward,thatheacceptethnottbeperfons,nonotofPrinccsk,thatthere i Deut. ro.r7. in novnrighteoufnes withhim'; there and the like arecommon andordinary fpee- k lob í.4:r9, ches in theScripture, which couldnot bee true, ifthe Lord (hould Coffer theabu- IRom,y.t4. letsofhinmercy, the contemnersofhisgrace, themanwhich makea game of fine, and let nought by his judgements, torope away vnpunilhed. Hee fuffered theold worldlong,but at laic he gaueeuidenceofhis iultice: HeforbareSodome Gomorrha many yeares, but in the end his judgement vpon themwas very terrible. Ahab and lezeble flouri(hed and enioyed the glory ofa kingdomefor a while, but when the rimeappointed came, Godby his vifitation madethem a fpe&aclevnto men.Thecityof Ierufalemwas as it were theQueenedaleworld and theBate and pompe thereofcontinued long,yea although they killed thePre- s431at23.37° ?bees and ned:hem-that Were f intunto them",yea &atlaflkiledthe Lardof'ife^; n yet