Ehe bac(eparts ofIehonah. 189 'yet (as Salemrn faith) there was an end °, theLord arofeto indgemter, and of 0 p ou.a;a7, chat glorious city, fometime the mirror ofMe earth,there is notnow left aßone vpinagone, which is err c4 dnttnrP. There was neuerany age from the fini be- ginning of times, in which Godhath not giuenteffimony ,aswell ofhis lattice to puntfh, as of his mercyto forbare. Hefpared not the Angels q, Which kept not pet., their frf¿ eflate r, heeclothoften caufe indgementto begin at hisowne houfe:,and a- r 11d.6. moon, hisowne chofen peciple;and(befidesthat which is leftwritten in the hook f,.irt4.t'= ofGod for ourreaching) wedoe many times heaveofflrange vifitations,fome- timesby plague, or famine,or tempelh, or fire vpon whole cities or townes,Iome- timesby fearefull ends whichfome noted mill perfons hauecornevoto , andall to teach vs to drawe out this conclufion, that thoughafinerdoe millan hundred timer, andGodprolonghis dudes,1 et it fmll not be well With theWicked,beeaufe befea- rertonotbefore God', his end (hall be, tobe cut offat thelaffa. This may feruefor tEccfg,rsig the proouing, or rather opening ofthis point that God although he forbear, uPfa..37.33. long, yethewill not finallydifchargeor acquire thofewhichgoon in hone with- onrrepentance. Let vs now come to the vie. Icferueth firfltobeanafiurance vetovsofaday ofiudgemenr, in whichwa The r .71f 1 mold all appears before the iudgementfelt ofChriß *. This point is thus collected ,_co s, to. out ofthis place. It is raid here that the Lord will notdifcharge the impenitent , but will certenly recompense them their frnne into theirbofome : Nowwedoe not fee this ordinarily fulfilled; for generally they arein wealth that robel(ianßy tratgreffèz, waters ofafull cup areWrung out unto them Y, their hoofs:are peaceable z Irrem rz.r. withoutfear,, & the rodofGod is not oponthemz,they liue(infhew)contentedly & Y.l'f 1 yz, toe die(to the outward appearance)quiety , and weour felues feemany a prophase '1°1' ro.9. contemner ofreligion, many a fwearer, or viciousperfon,. or oppreffour,manya tyrant ofthe world,liue inhealth and credit,and ina kinde ofoutward ióïlitie,vi- fired inbody and goods nootherwifeGaut as other menbe, naymany timestoe - fcape that which other recnlfeele the (mart of. Therefore it mull needsbe,that there is fome time yet tocome, inwhich wee(hallbeholde the certentyofthat which nowmanybethought to be moredoubtfull, and in whichwe fhall all haue iuflcaufto fayferity there isfruitfor the rightems,doubtles there Wa God thatMel- gosh itt the earth'. Hereupon is that day cutlets the day ofdeclarationofohoisca iudoement ofGod', becaufe then the mIlice ofGod lirait be openly dtfcouered ,- and euidence thereof fhallbee giren in thefight ofthe whole world, whereasbe- fore, thofe men aught feeme moflhappy, which had cil religion.and thofein the worft cafe, who made moll con(cience. If then at any time, confidering the court, of theworld,hopr they Ilonrilh andlift vp their heads,who liue lewdly,and prophanely, and vncha(lly,without any feareof Godsmaie(ty, and howthey are hated and defpifed,and afklided,who are zealous on Gods bebalfeaif(I fay) fee- ingthis, thou begin to doubt whetherthere bee any truth inthat which thouhaft often heard, touching the dayof ladgetnent and account, remember with thy felt that it cannot be,that God Ihould bea fauourer ofiniquity, it cannot (land withhis honour to acquire the wicked, andthereforebe fine that there is atime at hand, inwhich his Mike fhallappeare, aday at whichthevngodly (hall well vnderiland how much they deceived themfelues , in thinking the Lord to beea patron oftheir naoghtine(fe -This isone vfe: And to the end you may fee it to be the true and naturalivfe of thisdoaeine,yonmay finde itto be applyedby 'Paul, (peaking to theTheffaloniansoftheir greatperfecution for the Gofpels fake,andofthe infolencyof theiraduerfaries,he telleththem that this is a tokenof the righteous lodgement of Gad'. So that whereas the world dothreafon thence, that furely there is no God inheauen to takevengeance,theApoftleteacheth them cz.Tbcli.fs. to refolue opon it, euen becaufe ofthis confufion, that was amongffmen, that therefore the Lord would come at !aft inflaming fire rendringvengeance on hise. nemies, and righting their caufe whichhauefelt thewaiteof opprefsionfor his ft. 3 truth,