22, The arillians Iournall. .oM,dL4.9. all this willgiuethee ; then Come great mifchiefe is to be ft ared,forwh%j}he labou:eth to p:o,ure entranceby his plaufible and pleating perfwafions.. H_ appy is het that hail: learned this triton , he bathwell profited in the fchoole of Chri- ftianity, thatBoth not credit the flit offers,but doubts a fearefulliffue, where the entrance prom¡fah nothingbut contentm - nr, It is euer a rule that cannot faite thebroad, plcafant,cucn way,that to ftdli and blood bringeth littleor no encum_ brance, but giucsthe rames veto it togot where it will, is the way that certaintly 1eaae.h todeitruaion. And thus muchfor the fiat property of this way, it is a wideand abroad way. DeiP ire a.. The f econd gnalitieit bath is,it is full ofpaflengers, ( /ndmanytbere bee Which gee in thereat) from which words we are taught thisdoarine : Thatmultitude in matrets ofreligion, is no good ruleto proceedeby , whether itbe in points tobe beleeued,or in matters to bepraaifed. Thereafon is plainefrom hence. It is re- portedhere ofthe broadway which leadeth tohell , that theyare many whichgoe inthereat, nowifnumber were an argument fufficient toproone thegoodneffeof a courfe, why fhould it not bee alto a reafon of value toprooue this way which Chrift here fpeakethof, tobe the way that leadeth vato life : If it be ofno force In this particular, neither is it inany other. A [tatter maybebelceucd and pre,. felledby many, a courtemay be followed and approouedby a multitude, and yet- theremayhoe neither loumincfle in the one, nor holineffein the other. In the dalesof ey,g pit is fail that God looked vpon the earth, andallflefh had corrupted x Gra.d,t z. his wayx.,When the Angels wereentertained inLou houle : the menof Sodome purpofiug villanyanal filthineflè , compaffd the houle roundabout,from theyoung' y Gct!t9,4. men enea to dot eld,a/ithe peoplefrom all quarters Y. home hundred P.ophers atone tore cd:'fented togerher inone thing, and when the King asked their advice onr, z,gins.az. doing his MtnneyroAamorh, ail Paid; Geeandprofiler°, all feekingtoHatter the Kings humor. Tnere wasa generali confpiracy againft leremie for the faithfull aIee,t8. on. d,fchargeof his duty : Come let vs imagine fine denier againft leremie', When Pilate made a motion to the people , what (hall bee done with Chrift , They ad bMath,a7_la.fatd, let himbecrucifiedb. When Stephenhad madehis Apologie- forhirfelfe, a- gainft the fallu imputations which wereput upon himithe Text faith, the ftandrrs by ga..ea (hour warp a ¡rudevoyer andflopped their eones , and cameupon him allat c Aft? qr once'. Or Simon thelorcerer ofSantana, it in laid , thattohin they gave heede, d ntt.8,9, ro, form the lent/ ofehem, raen to thegreatefl a, When Paul oppofed hind, lFe to the Idolatrieo? theEpheGans whichworfhippedthe Images ofDiana, therearefe, faith the (tort' apoutfor thefpacealmofi oftwo houres,ofal men,crying,Grrat is Did. naoftheEphefians'. TheApo(tlecomplainethof' the ftatoofhis tunes, and ruta eA&. '9 34 ofthofewhich made profusion ofreligion, and beedeliuereth his complaint in fPb1l.z. u, there words,Aoi f eke their tome,andnot that which is lefue Chris r. The Spirit of God prophet) ing by.S. lohnof thecommirg ofAntichrift,fairh,that all that dwell n there lwee *hole are not writernin the life gAPOOs`s' I eampes e great multitudes, cuen Cwarmes ofpeople running tb. . one coma: with one heart, like menpoll-died and ruhdby one Cpirit, and yetall deceiued : hethat fhould Issue groundedhis religion upon there,mull needs haue roan himfelfe headlong into error. vfè The vfe hereof is firftagaittlt the Papilis, who, asappeareth inthe writings each of the beftlearnedof them, doe makemultitude a note andmarke oh Gods Church ; which howfoeuer it can little auntie them (hecaufeifwe reckononly luch as know and underhand what they doebeleeue and profeffe, weemay well thinke there are inChrillendome noieof vs then of them) ytc nota itbfiandieg admit itwere fo, that the greateft partof Europe wereaduifed and coulisse pro- feffo s of their religion,what haue they gottenby it, mat it needs be true which is belecued and maintained by á multitude? Cannot the generality beedecei. ned? Isit not poliibiefor whole troupes,yeacaen oflearnedmen to be mil'aken? Yes