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2.6 Ehe Ghriflians lournall. fuckas inall things dothmore refpe& the commander, then the rewardwhich . hebeftoweth;yer it pleàfeth God totender our weakeneffe to much, as to pro uoke sand todraw vs on by the prorni(è of recompence , lefwethouldbewea- ry andfaint inour minds. Our Sauiout arming his difciples again(' reproach, cMath.ç. as. relleththem their reward s 'greet inheaken e. Mofeschofe rather tofifer adnerfitie with:the peopleofGad, then to enioy the pleaferesoffmw forafafm; for (faith the dHcb,rrs6, Text)he hadrefpeato the recompenceofrewardd, NayofChrif himfelfe it is laid (and inthat very particular, we are willed to followhim) thatfor theMy that tear eHcb,r z. z. fet before him,hecnduredthe erofe, anddertfd theflow e. Therefore whenfotuer we fede (beeing leaning toa good count) any difcóuragement tocreepe into vs,or anyferret conceipt, that todoe thusand thus , astheword perfwades, will bring aburden vponvs , and we (hall by that meanes deprive our felons of that freedome which Others haue, andwhichowl-clues alto haue enioyed , andthere- foreit in not good tobe fo [trait; by and by let vs remember whether thinnar- row entrance, thishardand ruggedwaydot! leade vs , the further weegoe the better itis,and theend itfelfe will exceedeal . The eye hash notrime, the tare buth not heard,neither can it enter intomans heart to confider, whatthings Godbathpreps_ fs.Cor.z.9. redfor them that lose him r. Itis laidof Jacob that he leered flues yeares withhis uncle Laban,for Rachelhisdaughter;but they learned (faith the Text) u fewdays, g Gen.zg.xe. becgfe hoe (oued hers. So let vs labour to poffeffe our fouleswith the loueand delight ofthe blefsing promifed, and wee (hall with cafe [wallow up all ancoro. brances,and grievances in themexnefpace whatfoeuer. Detlrint 4, As it was faidof the broadway,that manygot by it,.lelt we should build upon muleitudcs,foslow it is laidofthe f'raitcourl , thatfew there bethat fndeit, tea- chingvs thus much : That the bet' andthe holie(l, and :nett religious courfes, hauethe fewelt approouers, andthe fewer' followers : the belt number is for the molt part chefnallelt number. TheScripture giueth great light unto thetruth ofthisdoetrine. Thofe whom the Lord teferued onto bimfelfe iu the generali htfz.t,9. corruption that wasamong the1ewés, aretearniedafmaMremnamh. Theyate Ifa,ó,tq, calleda tenth i,or(aswe fpeake)the tithingpart; there inods enough;nine toone: they are compared tothefhaltingofan ohmtree, two orthree berriesare inthe toppe 1:10.17. 6;& ofthe vtmoflbougher,andfoureorfine in the highbranches ofthefruite thereof k. And 2402. thereto ferueth the complaintmade by theChurch ; Woeis me,for7 une a thefem. IMi51l.y,r, mergatherings,t at thegrapes aÍthe vbuage ,thereisnochiller toBate1! We know, when the haraell is home and the fruit gathered from the trees, a man may chance findone eareortwoofcorneflattered in the furrowes, asan apple here and therevpon the branches, but theyare nothingar all coconut vpon fo the Church laments her owne delolateneffe thatthe islike the gatherings , the num- rn1er,3J4. ber ofthe good is very thine , not one for many wicked ones. In theProphele of leremie,there thegodly arefaid tobe calledour,oneofacity,andtwo ofa tribe w. . In Amosthere is a notable fsmihtudc erged, olaSbeephear4whowhen the Lyon bath made his prey ofone of his.fheepe, conrentethhimfelfe totake out ofthe Lyons mouth two legge:or a p eeofancare; fa (faith the Lord)fball thechildrenof n Chap.;.tn. lfraci be te4ena, here and there one as it wereviolentlyrefcued, andtoroe out °"1"'' P' of thecommon andvniuerfall apofafe. Chrificalleth hisflocke, a littleßoclç(o), And there are manycalled, butfewchofin, according as ofthe finehundred tltou- fand thatcame oueofatgype, therewas but onely two', Caleb and lofea,thahen- tered into Canaan. Confider a little further of this -point by examples. Ir4he dales before the (loud, all Herb hadcorruptedhis way vpon the earth , and otrely p Noah was a luftand anuprightmania hin timeP. Not one tuft perlon in Str-lernt qGen,r9, beidesLott. Therewere Pure hundred&fftie Prephett for Baal,wOáttheiewas Cr a.Kin;. ra, but one Elias for theLord r. Therewere vpon a fours hundred flattering Prophets, oKmg, ax. again(' one hone((plain Preacher Michaiab1, Behold (faith !Aiello) d thechit. drift whom the Lord/catbgiuen mi : thatis, thole whomI ilautby myMiniltenit begotten