The Chriflians f ournall. z7 begotten vntoGod) areasfrgnes andWonders in /fraed'; itfeemeththey werebut tffi.a,Ia: a few, when they were gazed vponasmonftets amongft men. When Iofephs bre. threnconfpiredagainit him , they b4coaJidted to flay bam, (aria orely ReubenO, uGru.;7. there wasbut one for tent that Cooke piety. Whenthey fate in councell againft Chrift, there wasnone'pokefor Chrift,but Nicodemus . When Taal flood forth x toh.v. for hisanfwer before Nero, notone manafsiftedhim, but aQforfookehim r. On y x Tim- 0C thecontrary, we thallfee how the worft things havehad thegreater} confent,and thefuller, and molt generali approouement. AU confented tothemattingofaged- den Calfe,.. They came to-offer violence toLots houle, flesh theyaung euen to the .,. Exod.;al side, caen allthe people fróm all quarters '. 'PVat asked what rhould bee done a Gan.,9. withChrift, theyallcried,cruc,fie himb. When Paudbegantopreach Chrift at E. b Mr .27. phefus,and tocry outagainft idolatry, there arofea (heat almoll for the (paceof twohomes, Ofall mencrying, Greatis Diana ofthe Ephefans °. The Beall the An- cAft:r9,j4: ticbriff,makerh all bothfmall andgreat, richand poore,freeandbond,to remise hit marks in their right hands ,and intheir foreheadsd. Butwhat Ihouldwee }earth the dApoa r; Scripture for examples,whenour ownetimes and experience affoords fo many? There be many ignorant people,but few that loue true knowledge: many (wea- rers, few that makeconfcience ofanoath : manySabbath breakers,fewthat care tokeepe it horny : many negligent and vnprofirable hearers, few that take heed howtheyheare: many vfurers,feW that lend (ea Chrift faith)withoutlooking for ought again: many that wring and draw backin curry goodaâion,few that are open-hearted and handedtoreleeue : many that defpife and contemne, andneg. le& the Word,fewthat honour it, and take delight in it. In a word,looksto any profane,difordered, couetous,vnruly,carnall,voluptuous courfe,and tell me with what infinitetroupes it is followed: confideragain ofany religiouszealous,cha.. ritable, and holy fafhion,and marke howfew therebe that doe regard ir. Sothat it may be Paidofeuery focietyofmen, ofevery affembly, ofemery congregation generally,as it was ofthat of Sardie; tofpeakeof the multitude,theyhauea name that they'arealine, bat aredead', called Chriftians,but haue littlereligion; If there eReurl.;.r: beany better difpofed,theyarebut as it is Paid there,tbefenreff nearer, afewnames. And therforethe course whichChrift will take when he comes to fudgethe earth, willbee verylike to the courfewhich Isms held to finde out among the people, whatman it was that had (Wine the Babylonifhgarmétf;there weremanybrought frot.7. r6, together, alai all to finde out one,Soat the lafl day, all particular perfons that e. 17, rS. uerwere,are,or {hallbe,fhall be arcked toappeare; our of them(ball be dedu&ed a (mall numberwhich haueheard ofChrift, outof thema (mallet portion, which. hauepro feffed thetrue religionofChrift ; andoutof them,yet another rompa- uîe,whichhave truely profeffed the truereligion,which haueprofeffed itin lince- rity : which number howfoeuer in it felfeconfidered, it be exceeding great, yet compared with the reft,it is but asahandfull;or as it is(aidof the ffraelites camp in refpe& ofthe Aramites infinite troupes, like two littleflocks ofkiddes e. So will g 1 King. so, that beverified that is faid ; the Lord will makea rhort countin the earth, and 27. though the number ofthechildrenof Ifrael(ofthe people profefsingreligion)be ,w tha(andofthe'Sea; yet shall bat aremnant befaredt. , hRom. 9.27 The ntehereof istwo-foldea Thefitft Chrift teacheth, Striaeto enterMat the vfj. _peargate,for may1fay ontoyou,will Peek to enterin,andfha?not be able': the fewer i Lukr;,a;; therebe that are partakersofthe true happineffe, the more Mould, wee labour to 24. bein that number : wee fit Rill inour fecurity and carelefnelfe, as though heauea rhould be call spun vs;andas ifall the world (hould be fang. Theblefsingof life eternall is great, but it is notcommon, not all, nonotthe greateftpart, no not thenoblelt, and wealthieft part thall enioy it : we lhould therefore throng and thrul toenter in,becaufefuddenly thegate willbe }hutvp,& many(faith Chrift) (ballffriue toenter in, botfbaanot beable. Secondly. this fernes to be apreferuatiueagain&difcouragement in chore that Vfi a; C 4 leste