Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

a.8 k The Chri.liians journal!. festeGod : as forexample. Art thou a manwhohaving heretofore tonne the fame courfe with the greatestpart, beginneit now beinginwardly touched by the force and poweroftheWord,to refraine from many things,inwhich in time pa ft thoutookelt pleafure in,and tolooke more narrowly to thy waits then thouwaft wont,& tomake confcienceofforte things,which formerly thou regardelt not ? it may be,that comparingthy courfe,now, with the fore- going,thou findeft thy Rife very lolitary, like a man in a defolate,rugged and vntrodenpath, having ve- ry littlecompany,, many todiffwade thee, few toencourage thee, many that will labour topullthee back, butfewornone to prouokethee forward; be not difcou. raged, be lure oncethat it is thecount which Christcalleth thee to by hisWord; and then remember, that incomparifon of the multitude, the Lords part is but a handful!, the way to hell hash many paffengers,and theplace it Celle is fainetobe madelarger to receiue them ; but as for the path to lifeeternall; it is hardly en_ teed into, and few therebe that finde it. And therefore though it may bee thy portion, inthy loue tothe Word, in thy labouring after knowledge,in the dutiesof charity, in religious obferuing the LordsSabbath, in peace. ablenelfe,and in diligent following of thy calling, tobee ina mannerpoaft alone, like a Pelican in the wilderneffe,or as an Owle in the defart; yet fay with Teter, Lord, awash ali menforfake thee, yet Will I tutor lease theek. THE