The Minoritieofthe Saint.,. 3$ nothing will appeafe it, that will Rillit. So (faithPeter) even like newlyborne babes,Iong after theword,as your fpirituall nourilhment,reioyce init, place your happines in the vfeof it,let that beyourchiefeft comfort. And indeed this is the right difpofitionof all Gods children .Oh(faithDaérid)how lime thy lawb,lrüey- bPetcr .7. cedari t,a4one thatfindetha great }poile°. Thy word (faithIeremie)w&Jntomethe dkr rs tá ioy and reioyoing e, heart a. When Philip came to Samarii.andpreached Chril vetothem,the text faith, 'Tigre Wmgreat ioy in that Citie c. Inthe farne Chapter [yaw 39. itis (aidof the Eunuch, that when Philip had taught him in the ntÿfterie of Chri(t,he wentone his Way reioycing. Danidfaithinone Hahne°, that Gods word gPL 19. so. was his comfort inhis trouble: and anon after h, that itwas hisSong in thehopfe ?f hMere 54. hispilgrimage: meaning, thathe madehimfelfe merry , and cheered vp his heart therewith ht the timeofhisbanifhmcnt. And againe after. ' Except thy law had iverfe 'a. beenmy delight, lfhosldhaue perifhed in my affiinion. HerewasDaaid right like a little childe the sulksof Godsword (tilled and quieted him, when noother thing was able to releeue hire. Now (alas) what doe we now thinkc that! become of vs, whogenerally haue The y e no filch appetite, no fuck delire varo thewdrd,ourfpirituall food ? God knoweth, it iseuen avery burden to vs, we tarenot how little webe acquainted with it: at home we looke not iotoir, at Churchwe are wearyofk, now& then for a fit we hearken. The word is to vs like apotion, itgoeth downeagainfi our Ilomackes, rather then a pleating mear,which Shouldbe afLâed by vs, asbeing fitted forour nourifhtnent: by and by we be glutted,euen wewho inother matters of pleafure, or profir,canfcarce erne fay, It es enough. And when we be fador ficke, or other wifedifquietéd, weehad rather heareofàny.comfort, then the comfort of the Scripture: ithath no reli{h withvn,weareOeflsIy minded andwe fauotsrnot the thingsof GodsSpirit. There canbee no plainer do&nine then this, there is no man herefo fimple,but may vnderftand it : thereis no manoffo thort a memb- ry, butmay remember it. Thou canti not be Caned, faithChiift, nick thou be likea childe. 1, am fire thouart not Co wrerched,as not tobeleeue it.Well;ifthoir wilt be as a child,thoumull claim the word,andlone ft,being the fpirituall foode, even as thelittle babecloth the mothers milke,which is the bodily foode. Ifthou finde thyCelle truly to lone it , carefully to defrre to-vesderftand it, and to take comfort inthe exerciCes ofit; thanke God for it,it is a good'flgne,and pray God toencreale it. lithe wordbe a burthen tothee , thou careftnot forit, thou art a ftrangerto it,thouefteemellnotthe exercises ofit : take heede, bewaile it, it is a fearefull token,defire the Lord (if thou loue thinemenefoule)to remooue it. e Ei: The fourth thingwherein we mutt be like Children, is growing. Infancie and Y,h dv child-hood,isan age ofgrowing:itwere mien a wonder innature, to fee achild to Rand at a Stay, without defining in frength and in height, and inbignefeof body. Andto thisSaint Teter in the fore.temembredplace,hath reference , De. firethefinceremilksof thewordthat ye maygrow thereby: that is,labour toprofit by the vfeofthe we,d,as infants doeby their mothersmilke ; they growby it, (trine you toget fpirituall ftrength by thewordalfo. 'Ihisdude of growingis often vr- ged in holyScripture. Webef e¿byou brethren,andexhortyeee inthe Lord lefm, that ÿe encreafe mireandmore' , Grow ingrace i. Let v, be ledforward eeto perJeáioo °1. k r Thef.44. Salomon compareth the righteous to the Sun ° thatfl:inethrnoreaadmoreveto the Ia.Pct.;rs. perfeaday.In Ezechiel ° the graces ofGod arefiguredout by the waters flowing enHCb 6. r. , fromthe Sanatory,whichwere atthe HI to the ankles,then to the ¡tees: nextto o Prou.4. Ii. theloyses: andlat, asa rider which coact notbe pallid osier. Soarethegraces which oChtoa:gy. God beftoweth upon his chofes , though they be asa fmall''treameat the 3'4'5' fielt, yet they doe (till (like a lining Cpring) Covell higher andhigher, till they come to thatmeafure which the Lord bath allotted toeuery Chriftian. It is manire(k dq&rine , neither is there any point plainer in theScripture then this, that the children of God mutt- bee as a man running ina race, who is euer in D motion