Truths Purchafe. of the Scripturesabove all other Truths, that it is both the molt ancient Truthi and the moli true Antic}uity. Now, there is yet anotherderived Truth, which is drawne outof the Word, and is as it were thebriefe and fummary thereof. It is m Rom.6,Er, that which Paul inone place calleththeForme ofdatirine m: in another placetbe n Ro» az.3. proportion offaith n: in another, theTruthwhich ù according togodlines.. And this o Tip tea, may fitly becompared ento the mountNebo?, vpon P D.n.34. which the LordplacedMe_ t &o. fir,that from thence he might fee all the borders and limitsofthe prowifed Ca- naan: fó from this, and by the helpehereof, aman might beablero comprehend with all the Saints,whar is the bredth, and depth, and length, and height ofReli- gion. So then, here is the iffueofmyfpecch, that by trrh in this place,is meant the truthofReligion, grounded upon the Rule oftruth, which is the Scripture. Who it is to Now, forBaying,we muffvnderftand,that itis not any making marchandize of buy tee nvth the truth, like to that beggetly (ale of the Ramillatrumpery ; as though a man could bymoney, purchafe thegraces of GodsSpirit : which if it were fo, Chrift aó4 difficulty, ermt Pull Luk.:Sz4 e,tt, the itigdomeofGad faith, hereas,if faluat n werea onymatter, the rich were like to (peedbelt. But becaufe Buying is vfnallyofthings ofgreater} colt, & greateft necefsity, therfore to lignifie the paintsro be taken in this cafe, the fpirit of God vfeththis wordofBaying.Againe,becaufe theend of Baying ispolfcfsion, and the endofpolfefsion,is vfc; (asriches arepoffèffed to makerich, apparel] to makegay, and fo in other thtngs;) therefore alfo tht Spiritof God, to fiacw the carewe ought tohaue,both to haue the truth in poffe(sion,and todiuertit to our vfe, hath mentioned Buying. So then,thisbuyiad ofthe truth,which is commended hereyam vs,vrgeth two duties. r. To labour to hauethe truthof Religion ret- iedin our iudgements,that fo wee may be fulfilled with the knowledge ofGods will, in all wifedome, andfpiriruall vnderf}anding. a. Toconvey it thence into our affeftions,thatfo there may be begotten there, that which Davidcals truth rPfal.41.6. in the inrbard portsr. This then istheuneaning t Buy the trath,Caith Salomonethat Thefade ei is, vfeall dil igence,fparenocoft,refuiengjabour ,fpend your behendeauours to the5riipu,t, come to theknowledge of the truth, and therebyyour felnes tobee transformed Thediuifion intothe truth; thatyou may -fo become true Ifraelites, trudy religious. So that of n, nowthis firf}memberofmy Text hathbrought foorthtwo Inf}ruäfions: throne is, that we mull endeauour for the retied knowledge of the truth; theother, that weemuff make confcience ofa holy prafice, and ofobedience ofthe truth : of theft two in order. And firli of Buying the knowledgeoftherrurh. Seeing ithath pleated the Wifedome ofGod, in this place, to borrow a word from theordinary courtes among men, and tocall the Peekingafter the truth, a Buying ofthe truth; therefore it than not be amiffe tofollow the Metaphore, and by examining the vSuall circurniancesof Baying,to givelight to theduty recom- Thepaiaich_ mended here untovs. As therefore w all other bargainer, fo in this purchafcof 1ar branches the truth, thefe things neceffarily muff concurre. t. Adelire ofthe commodity. of tIn, whole z. A repairing to the place,where ttisfee toPale, 3. A skill to di(wrne,and know Sermon. the goodnes of it. .}. A gluing a price proportionable to theworth and value thereof. ç. 'A riotingof itvp for neceffary vfes; ofall there briefly. Thet.braneh, Firft,there mull be a delire of thecómodiry: that isplaine in reafon. For when- which is the fo r, dolt, euera man layeth=hismoney vpon anything,itproceedeth from a defire to be the ownerof it, and haue it in poffefsion : and fo the fidi thing in this Buying, f a Pet.z.a. mat be that which the Apohile Peter cals Difrring thefncere milbçe e, (7e, when !_ tIfa uPfita.rr. farahtearmethThirflinge; which Dauidin oneplacecals theclaimingof theLord histe/limooierasanheritagen:inanother, thelangingafrtrGodsfaluation.Nowthe defire of a cómodity,fprings ordinarily from there two thugs:t. amans ownne- ceCsity: z. the excellencyof thething itfell. His own necelsitymakes himwilling to Buy: theexcellency ofthe thingmakeshimwilling toBuy, rhlt, ratherthen a- nyother. So that tothe end we may come to this fill}degreeofdefire so Baythe truth