5f The Dignity of Preaching. abfurd,tofly that Prayeris the voyceofGods Spiritin a man ; whereas prea ching is onely thevoyceofa man t Fora faithful! Preacher is no leffe all'iüed with theSpirit ofGod inpreaching, then a good Chriftianis in praying. And miferable is the cafe ofthat Preacher, who is not fenfible of theguidance of GodsSpirit in hisminiflery, evenas it is a poore comfortto himthat prayeth, if hecannot (celethe farneSpirit to dire. him inhispraying. It is true (Icon- feffe) which fome fay, thata mansperforming ofhisduty, isbetter then his hearing it, and hisknowing it : Now (fay they) Prayer is the performanceofa mans duty : I anfwer, that thoughmy doingmyduty, be better thenmy hea- ringandmy knowing it yet Gods teaching me my duty (which is by prea, ching)is betterthenmy performingit. It is muchflood vpon, that the Church is called the houfeof Prayer: indeed it is for I hope they which fay fo,doenot thinks it is the houleofPrayer only, butof Preaching alfo,andofSacraments,. What is it thenthey vrge thence? This: that Prayer istherefore themoil excel- lent feruice, Gods houfe beingin a manner chiefly and mainely denoted and conlecrated thereunto. Apoore Colle&ion. It is onely called the houfeof Prayer, notto exciudeother feruices,or toglue Prayer thehandofall theraft; but becaufe prayer malt accompany allthe tuft : Preaching mull notbe with. out Prayer : Sacraments mull not bewithout Prayer r that therefore which muff got withall the reif, is inthat phrafe{the houle ofPrayer) put forali the refl. Neither is this fpoken todifparage Prayerany way , or to perfwadeor countenance anyeitherdifitfe, or difefleeme thereof, either inpublike, or in private. Nayrather this nullbring Prayerinto morerequefl, andinto greater pradife : For he, who is the moil confcionable inhearing, is full the moll con- !lane , and the moll devout in Praying. I haue now done with the provingof the do&tine. Euery wayI hopeit is cleere: Honour and efteemeis the dueof Preaching, ,tdoublet, le. There is much matter by way ofvfe tobederived hence : Firft, this con- t. Fa,Miai- cernes vs thatIreMiniflers: fecondly, this concernes all goodChrilîiansge. pos. nerally. Fief+ forvs Minifters,ehisdoetrine binds.vsto maintains byall good weaves the honor of preaching,andtobeware howwe doe bring this reuerend and fattedordinanceofGod into contempt:ofallmen,it !lands vs uponmen. deauour,thae,that may bee duly efteemed,whichGod commandsnotto be de. fpifed: it is the lifeandgloryof our profeffion:it were alleangething, ifwee lhouldnot caretobring it intodifgraces I fay it lathe gloryof our profeffon: for when it maybe laidolaman,heis a Minifler,but no Preacher,it is like that is a Clog. t. a. which is Paid ofNaamawa,hewas agreat man, d' hewonrable its thefghtofbis Lord, betear alto amight) ma,,andvaliaat,bata leper,This is a(Bwt)which datkeneth all the refit So thatthereon Iinfer,how much it behoues vs to labor rovphold the Tbretbiwgsby reputation ofpreaching, becaufe to be termeda Preacher, isthe fairefl flower whirbaMD;ar. inour garland. Me thinks Iflwuld notfay muchofthis:and therefore' willra- er berhanor thee applymyfelfe, tollrewhowwemay fauethiscourfe fromcontempt, then ofPreaching. toprouethat we are in equity eyed thereunto.Thusthen,there are threethings t. bywhicha Miniffer (hall aduance the honoranddicers' ofprophecying. t.Di.. er Tint 1.4. ligence in preaching:Itis that whichPawlcalleth ihoneplace,laboariwga, in a- "Tim.{.. nother,a being iptflantP, ina third,apreachingthe Gefpellwithwwqriaittgq: Itit grThetas, Cor.rb.w. the werkr, am carfid be be,that Oiethit wIligeatly f. It may bethoughtin the Jler.}s.ro, realms ofuielliand blood,that this isnomeauca tomake preaching honorable, but to auile itrather, in asmuch as (according to theoldraying) familiarity ObiaP breeds contempt: andexcellent things,when theyonce become ordinary, are the leffe regarded.If fermonswere dainty,and mensftomacks were kept (harp, ,/mfr. they would be more ofteemed. It is not fo in this cafe, when thepeopleare oncebrought tovnderffand thenecelfityof preaching, (the neceflity . Ifay, both for Caluation, andfor the worship ofGod, inas much aswithout re, nation fat-