the `dignityof`Preaching, 5g5 nation is in hayard,and theworflripofGod is maimed ) Cutely then , themore they have it, the more theywill honour ir; and the more frequently the King:. del'seofGedis preached , the more they willprefiè vetoitt. Looke intoexpc- tl.ukoU.t6, riesce, and fee , whether the feldomucffeofthis(eruice clothnot confirmethe p;eopleirt their opinion, ofthe no great neceflity ofit ; which is the maine ground of contempt. Suppofe a Parilh sane an Incumbent reputed learned, but yet remiffe in preaching , (hall nothis flacknelfc caufe the people to con- elude, that preaching is not fo (imply neceil'ary as it isthought ? will they not fay, Our Minifleris learned, andofmdgement,andknows what is what;finely if preachitgwerefo vfefull, he world hemore frequent in it then he r ? And what bath bred thoic preiudreiall paradoxes to preacnmg, as.that reading is preaching; &c But the indi(politionofinenof gifts tobe diligentin preaching? The vn_ willingnefleand backwardneffe of men to fpend themfelues this way, bath caufed (for the hiding oftheir (hame) ailrainingofwits , andawreflingof Scripture, toprouethe competency tofaluationofareading Minifrety; Each fpurious propofitions had neuer feene the light, ifdiligence in this duty had vniuerfal lybeen made confcienceof. Therefore wemuff yeeld that,thatwhich old Latimer (aman whoCacti ficedhis lifein Godscaufe) once blamed , under thewitty warme offlrawbery-preaching,is afpeciall means to lay the honour ofpreaching in the dull. Itbrings a roll, yeaand a curievponour gifts, and begets a kindofhabit ofidlenelfe, and cauleth the people to refpeetthat little, which we perforase but little : when I fpeakeofdiligence, I do not meane that a man lhouldbeeuerand units in the pulpit, for theremuff be a timeof gathe- ting,as well asof di(perfing ;and there isa kindof mercenary diligence in Come, which is meet tobe refirained : but this is diligence ; a man is ready to take all occalions to doe good ; efpecially bindes isimfelfc con flandySpoil Gods day to be bulled in Gods word, Happy is that feruant , whomhisma(fer when he cotumeth fhall find fo doing. z The manner ofhandling the word of God in preaching fo asir is fit. if The fcrond any man Ipeake , let him .17:eake di thewords of God' : let him remember what lace way ofhono- bath inhand,and fo deale accordingly. I rememberhow often Paul (lands vp- ring preach- on hismannerofpreaching. :It is.Hofem phrase , tbegreat or honewradle things ing, by ofthe Law ofGodr,yet may theft be fo vfed,asthat they may fcem bale to thole shuts. u s that hears them. Wobe to thatgood meat that mull pafC the fingers of a flo. s a Cor.a.ry, uen, before it comes to the mouthofthe eater. I lone not to be forward to taxe a = any mans preaching,and therefore I will fofpeake as fhewing,rather what mayy t Thd: a. 3, be,then what is. There may beapreiudiciog andan endangering the honour Holt t:. ofpreaching in handlingit , two wales One is toomuch exaelnelfe : aswhen melt (triar tohaaeeuery wordin print, and to fland inequipage; oneneither highernor lower,neither further forth, normore backward then another, and do affe& termesmore rifen matter: embellifbing their Sermons with the glea- nings ofall manner of Authors, facred; prophane, any thing whichmay bce thoughttoquell oflearning,and may raifean opinion ofEloquence, profound- nef(e,varicty ofreadingin the hearers. Will, I fay, this make preaching tobee Obie/. defpifed ? Rather it is like to procure admiration and reverence, and to cattlea ...infra,. kind ofa(lonirliment in thehearers : happely it mayfor the prefent draw fome Inch fuperficiall refpe& toa Preacher, as that which is counted even by the heathen a vanity in Dewaflhenes:hePaid it pleafed him fecretly,wheu as he went tar/cremes : in the (}rests, he fhould heare the women that carried water , fay Theregoeth hi him no aioals eloquant Demoffbenen. Thus aman may be rewarded withCome Cuciabreath for zufpt, xú this windy kind ofpreaching: but whenit commeth to the touch,tisisfrail bee e/E ¡fie vers o found to difhonour Gods ordinance in true judgement. For what is that, fbtaer which indeed makes preaching honourable in the hearts of Gods people, but their vnderllandingit,fo as that theymay feelethe fweetnefleofit,and teed tie corn.