`Ihe Vigniti Preekhing, 187 tun into thefame exccffewith others;andbe iuftlytaiable withopen and fcan.: dalonseuils; what can more dithondur preaching? Will it notcaufe-ittobe reputed a meereioy? Aman fhall befeene toperfwadeéothat,whiciì himfelfe ordinarily neglect,; and 'to cry outagainft thatof Whichhimfclfe clothMake a common praftife.Let neman deß+rfetbegfaidPaul to` -figeibyr how'fha'l thatbe?, . evetothemeketbeleeueaxrirampled. Ihaueherealatg 'e fieldbefore me, but IdsTim+.IL would beloth toprevent myfelfein that I haueto fayaand thereforeI here fliut- ap thisvle,touchingvs ofthe Minifiery,:Preachingg defettles efleeme, take we heedhowweexpofe ir rocontempt.Our diligence in difpenangtile Word our ° reuerendand weladuìfedhandling theWord; ourendeanouring lnfthei eiesof. thepeopte,co frame outlinesaccording to theWord, {!tall vphold the credit of this worthy fernice:Men(thoughwe do This) Comewil defpife nntwithft¢nding. and fpeake contemptuoully both of vsand ofour Minitlery: yet-indoingit, they Ihall'beas the Hereticke,ofwhomPaul,whaiseaudeiunedblhémfelfeet k.;.u: Iam nowcome so the_fecood vfe, which concerndsall Chriflians. more in Thefecond general! e All that profeffecoexpeâfaluationbyIefis Chrifl, are bound to,vfeforall this duty,tofaue preachinagenuch as maybe)fromdefpifing. This may bee Chdttin, in gëtothings` done f chat Imaynot fay allwhichmightbefaid, but may inCtft only uponthe Twothings chiefeft)bytwothingsefpecially, Firft, byaconiantandánunwearieddepen..bywhieh r- dan ce upon , preaching, reekingby all meénes pofÜbleso enioy ir. Hauewe not drnary Cluj. teams todepend onit, when , where it wametb, the peopleperifbe C And {hall auc Preách- weenothonouritexceedingly , whenourfeet lhallenenweareoutthethre- ingfromcon (hold ofthat hpufe, where it is faithfully dcfpenfed? And when wee !hats Tempt. feekeknowledgeat the lips of thePriefis'with filch earnellneife, as if wee fCros,sg.tt. were guided bythe fpirit whichwas in thof primitiue Connotes , that cried curto Peter and thetell, Menwe bretbrexwbatAd(we dens? Itwillanpeai're that aAtts 2.37 we.cfteemeGods ordinance,when we !hall forthe fakeofit negleft ourprolit, hazardour outward peace,feemecareleffe ofour credit,ftraine ourpurfes, and be like the Merchant in theGofpell , thatpartswithalithat he bath , for one fpeciall Pearls b.Greatcontempt is canupon prophecyingat thisday , 'by de, bMatt; 44 fault hereind will notfomuch fpeake ofdhofe, who callno mariner oftefpe& ontoit,but openlyand ordinarily,and inallhortprofeffedlydoe ensileát:but of thole which make Come thew to elleemeit.That is moB.pittifull, when Inch as pretend akind ofhonour,thnll yet by confequent, bee found defpifers. ' Firfl, forcewould(as they makefltew)waiteon this means,buttley will make their ownconditions : provided that it copieshone tothem,that they may bane it without trouble t howglad theybe, had they a Preacherin their Churches, they would thiuke it robee noneof the Cmalleft portions of their happineffe? But when it conies to the pointof Peeking 'out and of travelling to the Prophetwith theShunamitet, or elfeofcutting .offformof their leper- izKing;t? fluities,and ofRiming themfelues inother.things,that they may drawto them Tomeable Minifler of the new Teftament : then theybegin to beas backward andforeowfull, as the rich man in theGofpcll whowas forward ashee fee medat firfl,yet beganto flinch,whenhe heard the chargeoffeelli d: and fo they after a large commendationof preaching , anda faire tale of their efteeming it,yet whiletheyareafraidof trouble, and reproach, and labour and are loath ro be at anycharges , they !lilt content theenfelues with an unable Miniftery: Heere isa faire honour done to Preaching. For frame ifour heartsbee to it, (as woeheto vs,ifthey benot)let vs engageour felues forit. Remember what bathbothbeen Paid and pinned , there is noother ordinary way of taluation: andwilt thou not firaine thybody, thyparfe, thy credit, adventurethroht- ward peace,doeany thing thatthou maielt be Caved?It is not honouringofthe ordinance of God , if thou canft any way eatisfie and content thy felfe without iu, I !hall bee thought (perhaps) toperfwadeftrangethings, and (as