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r 188 Me . Dignity ofPreaching. (as maybe thought) not inftifiable. But doe me righ Iprayyou,inindiffe- rence, confidering what I fay : BeholdLuke 6. r y. and marke whatyou fin. there : Agrcotmnititndeofpeoplewit ofallJudea, and let-of-alms , andfrom thefeat tailsof TyreandSidonwhich came tobeare him. Did thefefay If ,bit goodman ormlel come tovs , bowglad(horld weebee? But they wentout to him, they left their blindguides, and followed thisSeer where hewas. I demand, is notthis written formalearning ? canwe fay , It was not well thatthey did ? were they notworthyofpraife for fo doing ? then fay I with the Aposlle , tnha foss 4Phil.4.L leer thmgtarebenefl and ofgeedreport,tbofe thingsdoe a: And if thisfatisfie not,and youfuipe&my iudgement,I prayyou look intothebookyouhaue inyour Pa_ tithes, the workcs of Bishopla ve 1, in hisSermonsuponthis chapter, andvp_ Wt the t stand 13. verfss:: What (hallwe fay ofthem that labournot , that doe neitherTeach, nor Exhort, nor reproue, nor corre l; that haue nocare todoe their meffage,andno regard to the people, what mayI fay of Inch ? Godhim,. felfefaith, They aredamhedoggeethatcanantbarke ,they lie maple , anddelight in / tseping,theyall Joke to their owneway,and theirrantadnantage, andenerj one forbi 'Mi. 16. to manepxrpofs t. Chrift called; them Theeues andRobbers. They arevnfauory u. falt,profitable for nothing,but to becali forth, andtrodden vnder feet ofmen. mt Cer.g.ta. Woe is moons,' (faith Pod) if Ipreachnot the Gefellm. Woe to theferuant,that wrapped: his Talentina napkin , and encreafeth not his Mailersgaine. God grantfinch idle and flothfull Miniftersgrace, toknowtheiroffice,- anddoe it: Ifnot, Godglue the people grace toknow them, and to(him them, and to Elie from them. (So farce he .) Which words if they doe not teach,notto be fatif- fledwithout preaching , and to fhun thofe which ate vnfufficient, andnegli- gent in that duty; for mypattl mullacknowledge,I doe notvnderftand Eng. lisp. Let.this thenbeour honohrrgiicentopreaching , euen to flriue that wee assayenioy it, and toput our llushsto hard conditions,rather thente wantit. And doe you of thisTowne particularly takenotice ofit; fee howGodhath mooned the hearts ofthe Worihipfull of thefeparts,topity your necefftry; and toprocure a course of preaching with you t notfo much that you might refi contentwith this, orfay asMicah tieEpheamite, when he had got a Leuite intohishale, Now 1know , theLordwilldoemegood,teeing Iboas aLewitt tomy a laig. taìrg. Pr,e/! a,fonow,Wearefofs,we.baae a faafire in oar tswne.No,if yore !hall not let togetheramongst your felues,tohaue it amongstyou on the Sabbathday, the day principally deputed to this feruice, for my partI;hail thinke our paints here (in refpeetofyou)tobevnprofitable. a There is another kinde ofdependence, whichis all'opreludiciall to the honor ofpreaching, and that is that, which is butby fits and ftarts ; fomewhat eager happily at the beginning,but flaking by degrees, till it cometonothing; youwill difgrace ithere much , if fillingthe Churchnowat the firft, yeti hall herereafter lilumenwhole flomackesare filll,begin togrowweary,aodfullof thatwhich you now feetnetoaffeet. Giaeva net occafion to lay hereafter, as Chrikofjohn; Hewoeadarningaedafbining ligbt,aadyeawerewilltngforafea- Ioh.f.3S. jnrereieytein this light °. It is a thingto befufpe&cd; experienceiheweth that (as the Paying is) entry thing is prety when it is young; fó filchexercìfes as thefe are flockedonto at the firft, butafter, men by little and little fall of fomewill heare only thisman,fome onely thatman; fomeonlynowand then, when theyhaue occafion tocome to towns; tome neuer a whit : You will bring a difgracevpou your paintshere, ifyou fhall caufe it robe thought that wehaue cloyed your iiomacks, and taken away the edgeofyour appetites. lams.t.. Ham not the faitbeon- Lordlef*, Cbrißtbe Lordofglory, mainrsfeelofperfontr; Makemuch of, and honourany mansendeauours that cloth his duty rpon his confcience. This flail be yourfirE wayofhonouring preaching , your manner ofdependancevpon it, let it beecarnet}, painful!, confiant t letit appeare that you