Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

TheDignityof Preaching. 589 . you willnothope tobe faued butby themeanes that God hath fnifyed. The fecondway by which you (hall honourPreaching, is, yeelding obedi. Tho0ecoad ence to that which is taught,and conformity in life toour preaching.it it is not wax ofha- g Y p Hating pr<a- the barebearer, bur the domwithall,that (hall bebteffed i.There isno fouler flank thing by topreaching ,then when they which fay they loue it, anddelire it,and efteetnecommon andfollowafter it,and rrauell to enióy it,(hall yet stake noconfcienceof obe- Chrift,ans, dienceto it. Howdoth this open the mouthe, of gainfayers, and emboldenq,hu445' them to their imputationsuponpreaching , when they {hall haue come colour tocry out,Therebenone Werfe,mareProud,Waut on,Contentiem,Couetoue,Oppreng, rrvudWent rho, thegroareß bearers Whenyou walke notaccording to the rules youare taught, you makepreaching andprofeffing, to be reputed thenurfery ofvngodline{fe,and the ceuert for all villany. And therefore, you that are of the fiat fort , Gentlemen andIuftices, who haue laboured todrawPreachers hither, and whonow giue countenance to vsby your pretence, honour vsallo (I pray you)withyour holy prattife : make it toappearebyyourzealousexe- cutionofIulhice, whenyou fithere vpon the bufineffe of,theCountry, byyour fuppreffing of groffedif-orders, and that worldof Ale-houles, that is; and which is the very nett ofall wickedneffe; andby the reformation ofyourfol- lowers and families; and principallyby theChriltiancariageof your (clues: andby the abatementofyour exceffes, vainepleafures, Epicurifines, (wen- rings, and fuch like : that you hauenot drawne preaching hither fora forme, or out ofa glory:but that in fincerityofheart,you haue fought your ownefur- therance in the walesofpiety. Letit notbe laid,as itwill be, if you presentit not,)Beboldhmábe fuckandfuch,eumyweeke at Sermon,andyet tiew'doethey fixe, ra- theas Atbof s , and enentier íeReligion, then at godly Chrilfiaas ? And youof the Towne, who (eeme tobegladof this erected courfe, refoluewithyour felnes, that youwill let onwith agenerali reformation. Let vs fee fome fruit by our labours withyou glue no caufe to haue it thought, you reioyce in this for outward refpetts;astoencreafeyour Market, and to draw company toyour towne, or to vent your commodities, or that youmay glory : eh, webane a Lelbtre too, aswell orfach aTowne, etas filch But as other adiovningTbwnes flsull be beholding toyou, for borrowing from yourChurch the light ofDo. Urine: fo let themecceise from you the light of good example: And you all whether Gentlemen, or Yeomen,or whatfoèur elle, I befeechyou in the feare ofGod, receiue not thisgrace ofGod invain: make Come vfe of your corn- ming, !cametopraetife that , by which your Families, through you , may be bettered : your Neighboursprouoked, efpecially your owne foulescomforted in thedayofChrilt. Let notthe le&are-day (now when the Sermon is ended) be made a day ofvoluptuoufne(lb,ofquaffing, fwaggering, diforder: Goe nóe -from the Church, to ente out, and cate up one a'other in the market, by fraud andcruelty : Runart emery man to hisrace,ae aborfeto the battell; but letvs hauecomfort to fpend our. Spiritsamong you,when we (!tall beholdyour good conuerfationin Chrift, that wee all, both Preachers, andhearers, may reioyce together at the lafday ,thatwehauenor run invaine. Ifyou faile in this, it is not your cornming toheare vs, your commendingus, your refpetNne fainting vs,your prouiding toentertaine vs,your refpeRiue fainting vs,your prouiding toentertainevs, that can honour our Minillery : we (hall (norwithftanding all this complement)hangdowne ourheads with ilrame,andfay :1ou haue requi- ted our labour with intolerablecontempt. H h h