TheEpiftle Dedicatory. 'othergood Chriflian ran bebuffedin. to f eke a ffuranceofhauingthe Spirit, to endeauourthecherrfhzngthereof, whenit itfelt, tobe ron_ derflandinglyawareof- Satansprailocestoextingu fit, to laborto bring thefouletoa ref luedandzrelgroundedrefling von thepower andgrace ofGod, through lifter Cbrifl, whataneceLary to rke ie thri? thattbçmoreyaur Ladi(hipfhall takepainsherein,thegreaterfweet- n0 fhallyoufindto Religion, and themore refl foryour /oule. Thies bopingyourLadtfhipreiD acceptoftbisfmall Gift, thoughnot as are- compence,yetasanacknowledgment ofthat much, n,bicb in many re- fleasIowevntoyou, J pray Godto tncreafeyourfeelingandcare,it¡ andfor that which theft Sermonsdoeperfwaele ; and fo ref#, Pram cXedbary, z61,. YourLadifhips inmy betr obferuance, Seta. Htaaox.