Hieron - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.H54 S4 1624

The fpirituallMansTasken a TRES.5.a9. encbnet theSpirit, &c. Y firft thoughts upon thisText, afterl haddeter- mined the handlingof if at this time, andin this place, were accompaniedwith the remembrance ofthat Paying ofSaloom a, A three-foldcardis not 4Eccl..}.u, eafily brokçn : me thought I beheld here fuch an holy twine, artificially made vpby Saint Paul, of three federal! threeds, as being made vie of for the fattening of the foule ofa Chritlian to his God, cannot quicklybcdiffolued. For Cutely he, whofeeling inhinsfeffe the graces ofGods Spi. rie, fhali bee confcionably careful! not toquench 'them , and to that end (hall honourprophesying, and in his refpettiue de- pendance-thereuponAss I diligently examine what he heaves,that, that which is good indeed be mayobediently entertaine : ynell may I apply to him that rayingof thePfalmeb; Fiethat doththeft thiagifinaliwiserhemassed, nothing fhallbpals. I. be able topreiudice the faluationof his foule. Thusbriefly, topoffeffe you witha conceit of the fpeciallworth of this Scripture: My prayer is that to the dignity ofthe plsce,both my handling,and your hearingmay be anfwerable. 1 loue not tobe curious aboutdiuifrion:to the eares ofthat which Saint Peter ucals the bid noonofthe heart ; theplainefong cloth alwaies make theheft mu- caPet34. hicke. Thus.then, here are three verfes, ofwhichthe hefiglues occatiion to the The Order of two later,and the two later,areappurtenancesto thefirft. TheApoffle gluing the placè, acharge not toreach the Spirit, immediatly giucs dire&ionhow,andby what means tokeep it in,DilifeNorprephefying: fpeakingofprophefying, left what- , Inciter is prefented tovs in the fhape thereof, fhould eftfones beehonuoredt he annexed a cautiontonchingtriall : Embrace nothing before trial!,and make much of that which is found to bee goodvpontrial!. This is the ftate ofthis place.1will takeeuery thingin that order whereinit comes, and proceedfoas the time (ballfuffer. The firlI charge heereingiven, vpon which doe hang the other two , is, Not to quench the Spirit a Intreating upon which fhort, yet plentifull precept, my lieft and fpeciall worke mull be to examine, what is meant by the word Spirit in this place; for thewordqnn,ebbeing fofamiliar asiria,needs no great inquiry. Touching Spirit, Ardrffinein two leuerall plates expounds it, ofthe Thecopofiri thirdperron intheblelfedTrinity,whom we call the holyGhoft or Spirit : and ouutthe vrgerh this place againli thoíewho denied thethird perlon whom hetermes words. quenchers ofthe fpirit, becaufeasmuchasin them lyerh they the be. $ úaáúra ingache holyGhoft:in the iudgemeutofthe learned, this expofition isa little t.a.eanspdt toomuch forced: For the very courfeand:current ofthe place , maythew that Ta.c s; , the Apefile hadanaimeatfomething withinour felues, whichhe would not have vsquench,and had nopurpore here tomaintainthemiftery of the Trinity. Hhhy Some