996 The fpiritua11Mans t4ske,. Some fanaticall andAnabaptifficall humore whoffand muchvponreuelà. tions,and I know notwhat inhpirings, endeauor to make vfe ofthis place , for gluing countenance unto them, and wouldhaue theSpirit heretobetoken thole extraordinary difcoueries which they dreameof;thefe (forfooth) n:ulî notbce quenched, that is,mulf not berepreffed,burcheriihed,and allowed of,andmen not Co precifely tyed tothewords and letter ofthe Scripture But how far this is from the Apoi}les.mind , the followingverfe plainely fheweth , where hee commendsprophecyiog; that is, interpreting ofthe Scriprure,as a meanes for the continuance of the heat and light ofthat (Pink, whichheehere pal-wades notto quench: and therefore intends no fuch infpirings which !hall overthrow the neceffity oftheScripture,orpromote thatwhichcontradicts the Scripture. So thatthere is nodoubt to bemade, but that by Spirit,aremeant here (accor- ding to Theephila£i) tbegifis andgraces of GodsSpirit. So is the word vied often dGal. f.ti, in holy Scripture, asRo%s.8.9. where is not meant the veryelfence ofthe third perfon, butas the fameApoffle fpeakes elfewhere, thefrxitsof thefpiras d fuch things as are wroughtby the Spirit of God, by thepowerof the holy GiFdff, in the heartsand fouler ofthole that are the Lords. In reference to this , a man regenerate is Paid tohauea new [pithpia into his eEnn. tr, r9. bewls%yea,to befpiritf, to haue reeeixedofthe[pint t,to Innin thefprrith, and all floh.;.6, betaufe the Spiritof Godbatha workinginhim, ofrenuing, faneti£ying, en. St Ioh 4,r3. lightning,&c. h4al.1z1. Now, toquench theSpant, is,to put eut, 'totreak,,,tosame thepinery endworn hint of thofegreens : Co then,9,zenchnet the[pleit, that is, Ton thatfeeleyexrfeines to haue resentedthegracesofGods Spirit, endto beefa niJhedwith thojefpiritxallbier. fsngs inheauenfy things, with which Godis wont toaccomplifb bi.,Eletl, loeketo sr,that throughyourWeglett andcarelefnefle, tbefegeodthings inyenbeenotextiggx d,rather labouryou: heirencreafe,and thehelpingofthem tllforwardtomereperfe tion. Thusin thefenfe. Nowwee hauegotten that, let vs proceed to enquirewhat wemay gaine andgatherhence as matter of inftru&ion. It feemes tome , that therebe two fpeciall pointsofdo&rinetobecolle&ed from thefewords : r.Tbaritópe is foramenhoning the Spiritof God, to knowthatbee bath receivedit. 2. Thatit is ne- ceffaryfor bins thatdotbb,gowhebath receiuedit, to beware bowhequenebetbet. The fermerofthefetwo, Iraile thus, ,uencbnot tireSpirit, faith the Apollletide- The r,De11, mans!, Is it polüble for anyman tomake confciencenorm quench it, vnlcife he knoweth touchinghimfelfe that the dothenjoy it,The careco preferue a com- modity, mayperhaps not unfitly be learned before a man bath it, butit cannot pofübly bepractifed beforepoffefon :andhowcan a man in common reafon, fettlehimfelfe to thatcare, before hebe farearid feaíìbleofhiskauiag it? It is in vaine to aduife a man not to quench theSpirit , if he cannot affuredly know himfelfe tohaue receiued it. May notaman otherwife veryWily reply thus %pon this charger Alas,you fpeake ofnot gnenchingthe jpirit; but where is it? I doe neither know now, nor (hall ever bee able toknow , whether this Spirit whichyou talke of, be in me,yea,orno. Me thinkesI Ihouldnot fay muchconcerningthis. There cannot bee fra- med aCurer confequence then this. Aman may and muff make confcience, Not wrench the jpirit, thereforeamanmay knowhimfelfeto haue received the Spirit. This which is foplaine by thisText,is as apparent elfewhere inholy Scriptures. That they a are tome whom Godendoweth andendueth withhis fpirit, trull I need not preme.I haue laid fomewha t to that effe&already : Pouf laid to the i liem.p,ts. Romans, Tebauereceined thefpiritofadoption i, he bathgheen(vs) faith he, (joy_ {:Goers. fling himfelfe with others, and others herein with himfelfe) theearaell ofthe i t Tbef45. [pinta l : Godhash one linen re bit holy Spirit'. Now, that theywhich haue received